Today John Kricfalusi posted his latest lesson in the $100,000 Drawing Course, Lesson 8: Proportions Affect Design / Proportions. In it, he discusses what makes a drawing cartoony. As an example, he compares the bulldog used in the early 40s Tom & Jerry cartoons to the one used in Tex Avery’s "Bad Luck Blackie". Please read John’s post before looking at these cartoons.
As further illustration, I’m presenting two cartoons with similar themes to you for your reference… "The Bodyguard" and "Bad Luck Blackie". The difference in approach is striking. The first cartoon is an early Tom & Jerry cartoon.
The Bodyguard (1944)
Quicktime 7 / 16.6 megs
The second cartoon is a classic Tex Avery cartoon titled "Bad Luck Blackie"…
Bad Luck Blackie (1949)
Quicktime 7 / 15.8 megs
I hope you find this useful in your studies.
Stephen Worth
Animation Resources
This posting is part of the online Encyclopedia of Cartooning under the subject heading, Animation.