Animation Resources is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serving the worldwide animation community. Through our various online and in-person projects, we educate and inspire professional animators, cartoonists, illustrators and students. If you are a creative person in animation or an allied field, you should be a member of Animation Resources!
The Goals of Animation Resources
- To support and encourage animation education
- To support the preservation and critical evaluation of animation history
- To recognize the achievement of excellence in the art of animation
- To increase public awareness of animation
- To act as a liaison to encourage the free exchange of ideas within the animation community
- To encourage journalism documenting current trends and activities in animation
- To encourage the social interaction of professional and non-professional animation enthusiasts
- To encourage the development and expression of all forms of animation
Animation Resources’ Projects
We are in the process of developing a database of material designed to educate and inspire artists working in the fields of animation, cartooning and illustration. Included in the collection are hundreds of thousands of high resolution scans of rare artwork and instructional material related to the subject, as well as thousands of digitized animated films and biographical data on great artists. All of this information is combined in a database where the collection can be sorted and searched in an incredibly flexible manner. Currently, the collection occupies dozens of hard drives and measures in the terabytes, but our eventual goal is to be able to house it on cloud servers and make the information available over the internet. More About the Animation Archive Project
The Creative League currently meets once a month for networking, informal discussion, screenings, friendly critique of work in progress, and guest speakers. The topics of the meetings cover the full spectrum of creativity- music, art, cartooning, dance, filmmaking, animation, comedy and drama. The purpose is to inspire and empower independent animation creators and build a community of independent artists in the Los Angeles area. More About the Animation Creative League
Animation Resources has embarked on an exciting podcasting project to expand our services to the worldwide animation community. We live stream our events to Facebook and present a wide range of interviews, lectures and screenings from our headquarters in Los Angeles. Our intent is to use state of the art technology to encourage communication between Animation Creative League chapters in other cities. More About the Animation Resources Podcasting Project
Our newest project involves Discord, a free chat platform that supports video, voice and text chat. On our Discord Server, we present programs, networking, lectures, lessons, panel discussions and screenings for both our membership and the general public. The goal is to create an online meeting space for the worldwide creative community. We are off to a great start. We encourage you to take a few moments to login to our Discord Server and introduce yourself. More About the Animation Resources Discord Server