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Born: 11 September 1913, Los Angeles, California
Died: 1967, Phoenix, Arizona
Animator, Comic Book Artist, Director
Bio Summary
Gil Turner was born 11 September 1913 in Los Angeles, California. Before diving into animation he had worked as an iceman.
Early Life/Family
Career Outline
He started out working at Disney, and eventually moved over to other studios, such as Hugh Harman’s and Jam Handy in Detroit. He also worked for Warner Bros in Hollywood and for Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera at the MGM studio during World War II.
Primarly an animator, Gil Turner was the artist of many classic comics for Dell’s Warner Bros and Disney comic books of the 1940s and 1950s. He had been doing comic book art since the mid-1940s, when he worked with Jim Davis through the Sangor Shop for companies like Better Publications, Dearfield Comics and ACG (‘Little Pancho Vanilla’ and animal comics for the Coo Coo, Giggle and Ha-Ha comic books, among other things).
At Dell, he mainly worked with Warner Bros characters like ‘Bugs Bunny’, ‘Porky Pig’ and ‘Sniffles & Mary Jane’, as well as the MGM character ‘Barney Bear’. Turner was one of the original artists for Disney’s ‘Li’l Bad Wolf’ stories, but also illustrated several stories with ‘Mickey Mouse’, ‘Bucky Bug’ and ‘Dumbo’. In 1948-49 he had his own newspaper strip, called ‘Chico’, followed by ‘Holly Wood’ in the 1950s.
Gil Turner had a long stint with the Walter Lantz Studios, before joining Format Films, where he worked on the ‘Chipmunks’ television series. In the 1950s he directed ‘Mr Magoo’ cartoons for UPA. In the 1960s, he settled in Phoenix, Arizona, where he passed away in 1967 at the age of 54.
Comments On Style
Jam Handy: Animator 1936-1938 (commercial films).
Warner Bros.: Animator 1938-1944 (Porky Pig, Bugs Bunny a.o.).
Carry-Weston (independant studio with Jack Bradbury a.o.): Educational films for the government. 1944-1946.
MGM: Animator 1948-1953 (Barney Bear and Tom & Jerry).
Walter Lantz: Animator 1953-1956 (Woody Woodpecker, Chilly Willy, Maw and Paw).
UPA: Animator 1956-1957 and director 1958-1961 (Mr. Magoo).
Hanna-Barbera: Animator 1961 (Snagglepuss).
Format Films: Director 1961-1962 (The Alvin Show).
Hanna-Barbera: Storyboard artist 1967 (The Flintstones).
Comic strips & Illustrations:
Editorial Art Syndicate/Sangor Shop: Script and artwork for Standard Comics, American Comics Group and Dearfield Comics 1944-1948 (Homer Hound, Bugsy Bear Family, Ringo, Happy a.o.).
Script and artwork for his own newspaper strip Chico 1948-1949.
Western Publishing: Artwork for characters from Disney (Li’l Bad Wolf, Mickey Mouse, Bucky Buck, Dumbo), MGM (Barney Bear) and Warner Bros. (Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig) 1947-1957.
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Elle Gkaltemi
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