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Birth: 1902
Death: January 4th, 1973
Sports Cartoonist/ Illustrator
Bio Summary
During the first half of the 20th century, newspapers thrived because television had yet to dominate the America. At the same time, sports cartoonists enjoyed the levels of popularity that are usually reserved for the athletes that they illustrated. By the mid-1940s, Pap Paprocky became well – known through his nationally syndicated illustrated column Sports Slants. Pap’s clever and stylish spot-cartoons that peppered the perimeter of his drawings were proven to be successful and their popularity lasted nearly 40 years.
Early Life/Family
Education/TrainingCareer Outline
During mid 20’s, Pap was working at New York American. But from 1932 to 1967, he worked for Associated Press and had done over 6,000 illustrations.
Comments On Style
Pap’s artwork was best known for dynamic composition, strong black line work, dead-on player likenesses, and subtle use of gray tones.
He was best described as a broad-shouldered, hearty, congenial man with a year-round tan and an addiction to brown sports coats, brown shirts, brown slacks and elaborate practical jokes.
Related Links
A-HAA: Cartooning: Byrnes’ Complete Guide To Cartooning Part Three
Bibliographic References
Contributors To This Listing
Won C Hwang
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