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Birth: December 5, 1901, Chicago, Illinois
Death: December 15, 1966, Burbank California
Producer, Director, Actor, Writer
Bio Summary
In 1919, Walt landed a job with the Pesmen-Rubin Commercial Art Studio making $50 a month. There, he met a young artist named Ubbe Iwwerks. The two became friends and formed their own company called Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists. Ubbe handled the illustrating and lettering while Walt handled the cartooning and sales. During their first month of business, Walt heard of an opening for a commercial artist at the Kansas City Slide Company. Ubbe told Walt to apply, and promised to keep up with Iwerks-Disney. Unfortunatedly, Ubbe was not the great salesperson that Walt was, and Iwerks-Disney soon failed.
In May 1922, Walt incorporated a new enterprise, Laugh-O-gram Films, Inc. He wanted to create New York-style animated shorts. Walt convinced 20 year old Ubbe to join the Laugh-O-gram studio. Walt also hired a business manager, an inker-painter, a salesman, and a secretary. Walt and Ubbe were 20 at the time, and the other employees were still in their teens. Two of them were Hugh Herman and Rudolf Ising, the first directors of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies.
The company threw out cartoons that gave an updated twist out classic fairy tales like Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Cinderella. After six cartoon shorts, the company went bankrupt, and Walt had to lay off employees and cut artists’ pay in half. Ubbe returned to the Kansas City Film Ad Company, yet he still helped out at Laugh-O-gram several nights a week.
Walt took Max Fleischer’s Out of the Inkwell idea of a cartoon character jumping in the real world, and reversed it by making a real character jump into a cartoon world in the Alice Comedies. Alice was played by a 4 year old named Virginia Davis. Walt guided Virginia by making her do various movements in front of a plain background. The animation was later added by Walt, Ubbe, and other artists.
In early July 1923, Laugh-O-gram Films, Inc. filed for bankruptcy. The court allowed Walt to keep one camera and his unfinished Alice film. His other equipment was taken to pay off his creditors. Walt sent his unfinished Alice film to Margaret Winkler along with a letter stating that he was no longer with Laugh-O-gram Films, Inc. Margaret offered him a contract for six Alice films at $1,500 per film. Walt had no money, so he asked his brother Roy and their uncle Robert for some financial help. Roy jumped to the opportunity, and Robert hesitantly handed over the money.
Margaret insisted on having the original Alice character, Virginia Davis, brought back. Walt offered Virginia’s mother a one year contract if she would move to Hollywood. Within days, Virginia and her mother were aboard a train to California. Walt signed the contract for M.J. Winkler Productions on October 16, 1923.
In February 1924, Walt moved to a storefront which had gold-leaf lettering on the window that read ‘Disney Bros. Studio’. In June, Walt convinced Ubbe to move to Hollywood and join the Disney studio. Margaret’s new husband, Charles Mintz, cut Walt’s income from $1,500 to $900 per film and told him to take it or leave it. Walt gritted his teeth and accepted the terms.
In 1923, Walt hired a woman named Lillian Bounds to be his inker-painter of his company. I was not love at first sight for either Lillian or Walt. However, as time passed on, Walt began giving Lillian long car rides home. He eventually asked Lillian if he bought a decent suit, would she invite him into the house to meet her sister. She answered yes. Walt rushed to Roy and told him he needed $40 to buy a suit. Roy, of course, gave it to him, and Walt was welcomed into the house. He won the favor of Lillian’s sister, Hazel, her daughter, Marjorie, and their mother. One night while sitting at a movie, Walt leaned over and asked Lillian if he should buy a new car or an engagement ring for her finger. Her response was ‘an engagement ring’. On July 13, 1925, Walt and Lillian were married in Lewiston, Idaho.
In 1927, Walt created another character, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. The distribution was entrusted to Mintz, and was supported by Carl Laemmle’s Universal. Mintz wanted the Oswald films to be completed at the cost of $1,800. When Walt replied that it was impossible to pull his request off, Mintz threw the bomb on him. Mintz replied that in order for Walt to stick with the Oswald cartoons, he would have to sign up under him as another employee, and most of Walt’s employee’s except for Ubbe, had already signed up. Walt was heartbroken, and refused to sign up under Mintz. Instead, he just walked away, and never looked back.
One day, while riding a train, Walt sketched a picture of a mouse and named him Mortimer. He showed the sketch to Lillian, and she requested that he change the name to Mickey. Walt then took the sketch to Ubbe who put the finishing design on the mouse. Mickey Mouse had just been born.
Mickey’s first short film appearance was in Plane Crazy. The film had some good close-ups, but the quality level was still about the same. From a graphic viewpoint, Mickey was no more charismatic than Oswald. However, it did not take long for Mickey to become the most famous character of all time.
Mickey Mouse’s first cartoon, Plane Crazy, aired on May 15, 1928. The film was drawn in six weeks by Ubbe. Ubbe put out about 700 drawings per day, and Walt, Lillian, and Roy’s wife Edna hand-inked the scenes. It was a silent film. The audience fell in love with Mickey.
Walt was still receiving rejection from critics. The critics stated that Mickey Mouse still resembled Felix the Cat and Oswald. So, Walt decided to set his character apart from all the other. He would teach his mouse how to talk. With the release of Steamboat Willie on November 18, 1928, there was music, dialog from the characters, comedic rhythms, and outstanding sound effects.
Only eight months after Charles Mintz stole Oswald from under Walt’s nose, Walt was at the top of the cartoon industry. In 1929, the first Mickey Mouse club was formed in Ocean Park, California. Mickey was considered to be Walt’s alter-ego.
Walt and Lillian’s dreams were coming true. Mickey Mouse won the favor of most homes, they had money pouring out of their pockets, and the Disney business was going very well. There was just one little missing detail. They wanted a child of their own.
Lillian already had two miscarriages, and the couple did not want to disappointed again. Walt did not care whether they had a boy or a girl, he just wanted a child of his own. On December 18, 1933, Walt and Lillian became two proud parents of a baby girl. They named her Diane Marie Disney.
Walt decided to attempt another obstacle. He wanted to create a full-length animated film entitled Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Since none of Walt’s animator’s were skilled at drawing people, he hired teachers for different art school’s to come and instruct his animator’s on different proportions and body movements. On December 21, 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs premiered at the Carthay Circle Theatre in Los Angeles. Walt won an Academy Award for the film on February 23, 1939 presented by Shirley Temple.
Walt’s riskiest idea had yet to be created. Walt wanted to create his own fairy tale amusement park like the one’s he remembered from his childhood. It was first going to be called Mickey Mouse Park, but it was later renamed Disneyland. Disneyland opened in 1955. It is a magic kingdom that brings out the kid in everyone that visited then, now, and in the future years to come.
Although Walt died 10 days after his 65 birthday in the year 1966, his spirit still lives on. Walter Elias Disney was a very wise man with a vision that no one believed in but him. Walt brought a new revolution with each year. His films are poetic, his stories unforgettable, and his legacy still lives on. Walt’s life should be an inspiration to all to strive for the best, continue to learn, and remember that anything is possible.
Early Life/Family
Born Walter Elias Disney, he was one of five children to Elias and Flora Disney. He had three older brother and one younger sister.
Elias Disney was an inflexible, unimaginative man. He was a hard worker and usually made a decent living. He always opened his own businesses, and when one would fail, he would move to another part of the country to start another one. He was a risk taker. Elias would offer a free meal and a place to sleep to strangers. He was very sociable, and knew how to connect to people.
Flora was the daughter of a scholar. Being a school teacher, she taught her children how to read before they started attending school. She was good with finances and often helped Elias with business enterprises. Flora drew the plans for the Disney family home in Chicago, and Elias built the house and painted it.
In 1906, the Disney family moved to Marceline, Missouri to get away from the city influences. Unimpressed with the farm life, Walt’s two oldest brothers left home one night on a train back to Chicago. After their departure, Roy Oliver Disney took over the role of Walt’s protector.
Walt loved the farm, and treated the animals as his friends. He named every animal and created stories about them.
In 1009, Elias fell very ill and had to sell the farm. Walt openly cried when every animal was auctioned off. They moved to Kansas City. Elias purchased a Kansas City Star distributorship and made Roy and Walt deliver papers every morning at 3:30 a.m. without pay. Sometimes the boys would have to work through the Kansas City blizzard against their will.
Walt was an average student in grammar school. He spent most of his time daydreaming and drawing cartoons. He often fell asleep in class due to his hard work.
Walt would sneak out to attend amateur night contests around Kansas City. There, he studied the fine points of acting, facial expressions, gestures, vocal variation, emotion, and comedic timing.
When Walt was 15, he attended McKinley High School by day, and by night the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. There, he learned how to draw live models, both animals and people.
He worked as a cartoonist on the McKinley High School magazine, The Voice. When he wasn’t in school, he worked part-time at the O’Zell company.
Walt learned about animation at the Kansas City Slide Company.
Career Outline
Comments On Style
Walt’s characters were influenced from his childhood of living on a farm. His films always included an animal casting.
Walt’s early drawings were ideas taken from Felix the Cat. Even Mickey Mouse included a mix of Felix the Cat and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit formations.
Walt was never considered a great animator, however he was a great storyteller and had outstanding comedic timing.
Walt was greatly influenced by Dr. L. I. Sherwood who praised his drawing style, although it wasn’t that good at the time.
Walt’s uncle Robert and aunt Margaret would bring pencils and Crayola paper tablets for him to draw on at a time when other grownups were not that interested or encouraging.
He was influenced by two amusement parks in Kansas City. One was Fairmount Park, which had giant dipper rides, a nine-hole golf course, a zoo, and swimming and boating on a natural lake. Electric Park influenced Walt’s imagination. It was the largest amusement park in America at that time. It featured band concerts, thrill rides, and nighttime fireworks displays. It also had a steam-powered train that circled the park.
When Walt was 15, two Chicago newspaper cartoonists, Leroy Gossett and Carey Orr, mentored Walt and encouraged him to become a newspaper cartoonist.
Two books altered the course of Walt’s life. The first was Eadweard Muybridge’s ‘The Human Figure in Motion’, which showed various actions like running, walking, and throwing a ball. The second book was ‘Animated Cartoons: How They are Made, Their Origins and Development’ by Carl Lutz.
Walt admired Max Fleischer’s Out of the Inkwell cartoons. This idea inspired the Alice cartoons.
Charlie Chaplin was the inspiration for Mickey Mouse.
Walt’s personality came from his mother. Flora was an even-tempered humorous woman who enjoyed a good practical joke.
Walt knew how to socialize and connect with people just like his father.
Walt also had a sort of arrogant personality. There were times when Walt would sit down and practice his signature before anyone had even heard of his name. He would always travel first class even though he could barely buy any food for himself for the day.
According to the people who really knew him, Walt’s personality could not be summed up into one category. He was never the same two days in a row. Some days he was a prankster and others he was a strict tyrant.
Walt was named after Rev. Walter Parr, a pastor of Chicago’s St. Paul Congregational Church.
When Walt reached his early teens, his father asked him to hand him a tool. When he didn’t pass it fast enough, Elias snapped at him. Walt answered back ‘I’m working as fast as I can!’ Elias told Walt to go to the basement for punishment. On the way to the basement, Walt ran into his brother Roy and told him about the situation. Roy told Walt not to let their father get away with that, so Walt went into the basement with his father, and when Elias went to discipline him, Walt held back his hands. Unable to pull out of Walt’s grip, Elias began to cry. This was the beginning of Walt’s ‘don’t take mess from anybody’ attitude.
Walt was always a risk taker. Walt would talk his unwilling sister into taking a shortcut across a pasture. When they did, they would get chased by a bull, and sometimes almost trampled. This memory become on of the scenes in Disney’s 1946 film ‘Song of the South’.
A retired doctor named Dr. L.I. Sherwood once paid Walt to do a drawing of his prize winning stallion. This influenced Walt to do drawings for a living.
Walt had recurring nightmares of pushing endlessly through blizzards, of being punished by Elias for not making a delivery. These dreams persisted throughout his life.
Walt’s grammar school principal, Mr. Cottingham, favored Walt, and Walt saw Mr. Cottingham as a friend, and would always send his family Christmas cards over the years. In 1938, Walt contacted Cottingham and invited the entire student body to see ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ for free.
When in Sound Beach, Connecticut, Walt became acquainted with a 15 year old ambulance corpsman named Ray Kroc who would later become famous as the founder of McDonald’s.
November 18, 1928 is the official birthday of Mickey Mouse.
While working on his first full-length animated film ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’, the animator’s were instructed to fill out comment cards. One card read, ‘Walt, stick to shorts!’ Walt was pissed that someone did not agree with his Snow White idea, so he invited to mystery critic to meet with him in his office. Of course, no one showed. The other artist’s delighted in keeping the secret form Walt that it was his own brother Roy.
Producer Filmography
1. Gnome-Mobile, The (1967)
2. Jungle Book, The (1967)
3. Scrooge McDuck and Money (1967)
4. Follow Me, Boys! (1966)
5. Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966)
6. Freewayphobia #1 (1965)
7. Goofy’s Freeway Trouble (1965)
8. Mary Poppins (1964)
9. Son of Flubber (1963)
10. Three Lives of Thomasina, The (1963)
11. Bon Voyage! (1962)
12. In Search of the Castaways (1962)
13. Symposium on Popular Songs, A (1962)
14. Absent Minded Professor, The (1961)
15. Aquamania (1961)
16. Donald and the Wheel (1961)
17. Litterbug, The (1961)
18. Nikki, Wild Dog of the North (1961)
19. One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)
… aka 101 Dalmatians (1961)
20. Saga of Windwagon Smith (1961)
21. Goliath II (1960)
22. Islands of the Sea (1960)
23. Darby O’Gill and the Little People (1959)
24. Donald in Mathmagic Land (1959)
25. How to Have an Accident at Work (1959)
26. Mysteries of the Deep (1959)
27. Noah’s Ark (1959)
28. Sleeping Beauty (1959)
29. Grand Canyon (1958)
30. Paul Bunyan (1958)
31. “Zorro” (1957) TV Series
32. Johnny Tremain (1957)
33. Old Yeller (1957)
34. Story of Anyburg, USA, The (1957)
35. Truth About Mother Goose, The (1957)
36. Chips Ahoy (1956)
37. Cowboy Needs a Horse, A (1956)
38. Hooked Bear (1956)
39. How to Have an Accident in the Home (1956)
40. In the Bag (1956)
41. Jack and Mac (1956)
42. Samoa (1956)
43. Bearly Asleep (1955)
44. Beezy Bear (1955)
45. Lady and the Tramp (1955)
46. Men Against the Arctic (1955)
47. No Hunting (1955)
48. Switzerland (1955)
49. Up a Tree (1955)
50. “Disneyland” (1954) TV Series
… aka “Disney’s Wonderful World” (1954)
… aka “Walt Disney Presents” (1954)
… aka “Walt Disney” (1954)
… aka “Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color” (1954)
… aka “Wonderful World of Disney, The” (1954)
51. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954)
52. Casey Bats Again (1954)
53. Donald’s Diary (1954)
54. Dragon Around (1954)
55. Flying Squirrel, The (1954)
56. Grand Canyonscope (1954)
57. Grin and Bear It (1954)
58. Lone Chipmunks, The (1954)
59. Pigs Is Pigs (1954)
60. Siam (1954)
61. Social Lion (1954)
62. Spare the Rod (1954)
63. Stromy, The Thoroughbred (1954)
64. Alaskan Eskimo, The (1953)
65. Bear Country (1953)
66. Ben and Me (1953)
67. Canvas Back Duck (1953)
68. Don’s Fountain of Youth (1953)
69. Father’s Day Off (1953)
70. Father’s Weekend (1953)
71. Football (Now and Then) (1953)
72. For Whom the Bulls Toil (1953)
73. How to Dance (1953)
74. How to Sleep (1953)
75. Melody (1953)
76. New Neighbor, The (1953)
77. Peter Pan (1953)
78. Rugged Bear (1953)
79. Simple Things, The (1953)
80. Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom (1953)
81. Working for Peanuts (1953)
82. Donald Applecore (1952)
83. Father’s Lion (1952)
84. Hello Aloha (1952)
85. How to Be a Detective (1952)
86. Lambert the Sheepish Lion (1952)
87. Let’s Stick Together (1952)
88. Little House, The (1952)
89. Man’s Best Friend (1952)
90. Pluto’s Christmas Tree (1952)
91. Pluto’s Party (1952)
92. Susie the Little Blue Coupe (1952)
93. Teachers Are People (1952)
94. Trick or Treat (1952)
95. Two Chips and a Miss (1952)
96. Two Gun Goofy (1952)
97. Two Weeks Vacation (1952)
98. Uncle Donald’s Ants (1952)
99. Water Birds (1952)
100. Alice in Wonderland (1951)
101. Bee on Guard (1951)
102. Chicken in the Rough (1951)
103. Cold Storage (1951)
104. Cold Turkey (1951)
105. Corn Chips (1951)
106. Dude Duck (1951)
107. Fathers Are People (1951)
108. Get Rich Quick (1951)
109. Home Made Home (1951)
110. Lion Down (1951)
111. Lucky Number (1951)
112. Nature’s Half Acre (1951)
113. No Smoking (1951)
114. Out of Scale (1951)
115. Plutopia (1951)
116. R’coon Dawg (1951)
117. Test Pilot Donald (1951)
118. Tomorrow We Diet (1951)
119. Bee at the Beach (1950)
120. Brave Engineer, The (1950)
121. Camp Dog (1950)
122. Cinderella (1950)
123. Cold War (1950)
124. Food for Feudin’ (1950)
125. Hold That Pose (1950)
126. Hook Lion and Sinker (1950)
127. In Beaver Valley (1950)
… aka Beaver Valley (1950)
128. Lion Around (1950)
129. Morris the Midget Moose (1950)
130. Motor Mania (1950)
131. Out on a Limb (1950)
132. Pests of the West (1950)
133. Pluto’s Heart Throb (1950)
134. Primitive Pluto (1950)
135. Puss-Cafe (1950)
136. Trailer Horn (1950)
137. Wonder Dog (1950)
138. Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad, The (1949)
… aka Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)
139. All in a Nutshell (1949)
140. Bubble Bee (1949)
141. Crazy Over Daisy (1949)
142. Donald’s Happy Birthday (1949)
143. Goofy Gymnastics (1949)
144. Greener Yard, The (1949)
145. Honey Harvester (1949)
146. Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The (1949)
147. Pluto and the Gopher (1949)
148. Pluto’s Surprise Package (1949)
149. Pluto’s Sweater (1949)
150. Pueblo Pluto (1949)
151. Sea Salts (1949)
152. Sheep Dog (1949)
153. Slide, Donald, Slide (1949)
154. Tennis Racquet (1949)
155. Toy Tinkers (1949)
156. Wind in the Willows (1949)
157. Winter Storage (1949)
158. Big Wash, The (1948)
159. Blame It on the Samba (1948)
160. Bone Bandit (1948)
161. Cat Nap Pluto (1948)
162. Daddy Duck (1948)
163. Donald’s Dream Voice (1948)
164. Drip Dippy Donald (1948)
165. Inferior Decorator (1948)
166. Johnny Appleseed (1948)
167. Little Toot (1948)
168. Melody Time (1948)
169. Mickey and the Seal (1948)
170. Mickey Down Under (1948)
171. Pluto’s Fledgling (1948)
172. Pluto’s Purchase (1948)
173. Seal Island (1948)
174. So Dear to My Heart (1948)
175. Soup’s On (1948)
176. Tea for Two Hundred (1948)
177. They’re Off (1948)
178. Three for Breakfast (1948)
179. Trial of Donald Duck, The (1948)
180. Bongo (1947)
181. Bootle Beetle (1947)
182. Chip ‘n Dale (1947)
183. Clown of the Jungle (1947)
184. Crazy with the Heat (1947)
185. Donald’s Dilemma (1947)
186. Figaro and Frankie (1947)
187. Foul Hunting (1947)
188. Mail Dog (1947)
189. Mickey’s Delayed Date (1947)
190. Pluto’s Blue Note (1947)
191. Pluto’s House Warming (1947)
192. Rescue Dog (1947)
193. Sleepy Time Donald (1947)
194. Straight Shooters (1947)
195. Wide Open Spaces (1947)
196. Bath Day (1946)
197. Casey at the Bat (1946)
198. Donald’s Double Trouble (1946)
199. Double Dribble (1946)
200. Dumbbell of the Yukon (1946)
201. Frank Duck Brings ’em Back Alive (1946)
202. In Dutch (1946)
203. Johnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet (1946)
204. Knight for a Day, A (1946)
205. Lighthouse Keeping (1946)
206. Make Mine Music (1946)
207. Martins and the Coys, The (1946)
208. Peter and the Wolf (1946)
209. Pluto’s Kid Brother (1946)
210. Song of the South (1946)
211. Squatter’s Rights (1946)
212. Wet Paint (1946)
213. Willie the Operatic Whale (1946)
214. African Diary (1945)
215. Californy ‘er Bust (1945)
216. Canine Casanova (1945)
217. Canine Patrol (1945)
218. Clock Watcher, The (1945)
219. Contrary Condor (1945)
220. Cured Duck (1945)
221. Dog Watch (1945)
222. Donald’s Crime (1945)
223. Duck Pimples (1945)
224. Eyes Have It, The (1945)
225. Flying Gauchito, The (1945)
226. Hockey Homicide (1945)
227. Legend of Coyote Rock, The (1945)
228. No Sail (1945)
229. Old Sequoia (1945)
230. Purloined Pup, The (1945)
231. Tiger Trouble (1945)
232. Commando Duck (1944)
233. Donald Duck and the Gorilla (1944)
234. Donald’s Off Day (1944)
235. First Aiders (1944)
236. How to Be a Sailor (1944)
237. How to Play Football (1944)
238. How to Play Golf (1944)
239. Pelican and the Snipe, The (1944)
240. Plastics Inventor, The (1944)
241. Springtime for Pluto (1944)
242. Trombone Trouble (1944)
243. Chicken Little (1943)
244. Der Fuehrer’s Face (1943)
… aka Donald Duck in Nutzi Land (1943) (working title)
245. Donald’s Tire Trouble (1943)
246. Education for Death (1943)
247. Fall Out-Fall in (1943)
248. Figaro and Cleo (1943)
249. Flying Jalopy (1943)
250. Gaucho Goofy, El (1943)
Director Filmography
1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
2. Golden Touch, The (1935)
3. Barnyard Concert, The (1930)
4. Cactus Kid, The (1930)
5. Just Mickey (1930)
6. Night (1930)
7. Barnyard Battle, The (1929)
8. Haunted House, The (1929)
9. Jazz Fool, The (1929)
10. Jungle Rhythm (1929)
11. Karnival Kid, The (1929)
12. Merry Dwarfs, The (1929)
13. Mickey’s Choo-Choo (1929)
14. Opry House, The (1929)
15. Plow Boy, The (1929)
16. Skeleton Dance, The (1929)
17. Terrible Toreador, El (1929)
18. When the Cat’s Away (1929)
19. Africa Before Dark (1928)
20. Barn Dance, The (1928)
21. Bright Lights (1928)
22. Fox Chase, The (1928)
23. Hot Dog (1928)
24. Hungry Hoboes (1928)
25. Oh What a Knight (1928)
26. Ole Swimmin’ Hole, The (1928)
27. Ozzie of the Mounted (1928)
28. Poor Papa (1928)
29. Ride ‘Em Plowboy (1928)
30. Rival Romeos (1928)
31. Sagebrush Sadie (1928)
32. Sky Scrappers (1928)
33. Sleigh Bells (1928)
34. Steamboat Willie (1928)
35. Tall Timber (1928)
36. Alice at the Carnival (1927)
37. Alice at the Rodeo (1927)
38. Alice Foils the Pirates (1927)
39. Alice in the Alps (1927)
40. Alice in the Big League (1927)
41. Alice in the Klondike (1927)
42. Alice the Beach Nut (1927)
43. Alice the Collegiate (1927)
44. Alice the Golf Bug (1927)
45. Alice the Whaler (1927)
46. Alice’s Auto Race (1927)
47. Alice’s Channel Swim (1927)
48. Alice’s Circus Daze (1927)
49. Alice’s Knaughty Knight (1927)
50. Alice’s Medicine Show (1927)
51. Alice’s Picnic (1927)
52. Alice’s Three Bad Eggs (1927)
53. All Wet (1927)
54. Banker’s Daughter, The (1927)
55. Empty Socks (1927)
56. Great Guns (1927)
57. Harem Scarem (1927)
58. Mechanical Cow, The (1927)
59. Neck ‘n’ Neck (1927)
60. Ocean Hop, The (1927)
61. Oh Teacher (1927)
62. Rickety Gin (1927)
63. Trolley Troubles (1927)
64. Alice Charms the Fish (1926)
65. Alice Cuts the Ice (1926)
66. Alice Helps the Romance (1926)
67. Alice in Slumberland (1926)
68. Alice in the Wooly West (1926)
69. Alice on the Farm (1926)
70. Alice Rattled by Rats (1926)
71. Alice the Fire Fighter (1926)
72. Alice the Lumberjack (1926)
73. Alice’s Balloon Race (1926)
74. Alice’s Brown Derby (1926)
75. Alice’s Little Parade (1926)
76. Alice’s Monkey Business (1926)
77. Alice’s Mysterious Mystery (1926)
78. Alice’s Ornery Orphan (1926)
79. Alice’s Spanish Guitar (1926)
80. Alice Cans the Cannibals (1925)
81. Alice Chops the Suey (1925)
82. Alice Gets Stung (1925)
83. Alice in the Jungle (1925)
84. Alice Is Stage Struck (1925)
85. Alice Loses Out (1925)
86. Alice Picks the Champ (1925)
87. Alice Plays Cupid (1925)
88. Alice Solves the Puzzle (1925)
89. Alice the Jail Bird (1925)
90. Alice the Toreador (1925)
91. Alice Wins the Derby (1925)
92. Alice’s Eggplant (1925)
93. Alice’s Tin Pony (1925)
94. Alice and the Dog Catcher (1924)
95. Alice and the Three Bears (1924)
96. Alice Gets in Dutch (1924)
97. Alice Hunting in Africa (1924)
98. Alice Plays the Piper (1924)
99. Alice the Peacemaker (1924)
100. Alice’s Day at the Sea (1924)
101. Alice’s Fishy Story (1924)
102. Alice’s Spooky Adventure (1924)
103. Alice’s Wild West Show (1924)
104. Alice’s Wonderland (1923)
105. Aschenputtel (1922)
… aka Cinderella (1922)
106. Four Musicians of Bremen, The (1922)
107. Goldilocks and the Three Bears (1922)
108. Jack and the Beanstalk (1922)
109. Little Red Riding Hood (1922)
110. Puss in Boots (1922)
111. Tommy Tucker’s Tooth (1922)
Actor Filmography
1. Walt Disney Story, The (1973)
2. “Disneyland” (1954) TV Series …. Host (1954-1966)
… aka “Disney’s Wonderful World” (1954)
… aka “Walt Disney Presents” (1954)
… aka “Walt Disney” (1954)
… aka “Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color” (1954)
… aka “Wonderful World of Disney, The” (1954)
3. Saludos Amigos (1943) …. Himself
4. Show Business at War (1943) …. Himself
… aka March of Time Volume IX, Issue 10, The (1943)
5. Reluctant Dragon, The (1941) …. Himself
… aka Behind the Scenes at Walt Disney Studio (1941)
6. Fantasia (1940) (voice) …. Mickey Mouse
7. Gallopin’ Gaucho (1928) (voice) …. Mickey Mouse
8. Plane Crazy (1928) (voice) …. Mickey Mouse
9. Steamboat Willie (1928) (voice) …. Minnie Mouse
Writer Filmography
1. Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966) (Story)
(In credits, appeared as Retlaw Elias Yensid, Walter Disney, backwards)
Annie Award: Winsor McCay Award 1975
32 Academy Awards
Best Animation Design, Cannes 1947
Special Prize, Venice 1950
Golden Bear, Berlin 1951
Related Links
A-HAA: History: The Building Of The Disney Studio
A-HAA: History: Disney’s Artist Tryout Book
A-HAA: Animation Salon: What Is An Animated Film?
A-HAA: 2007 Review: 8 Writing Cartoons
History: Dispatch From Disney’s 1943
History: Dispatch From Disney’s Part Two
Theory: Our Dreams of the Future
Bibliographic References
Williams, Pat. How to be like Walt. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, Inc., 2004
Lenburg, Jeff. The Encyclopedia of Animated Cartoons. New York: Facts on File, 1991.
Kanfer, Stefan. Serious Business. New York: Scribner, 1997.
Bendazzi, Giannalberto. One Hundred Years of Cinema Animation. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994.
Contributors To This Listing
Phoebe Harley
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