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During Member Appreciation Month, Animation Resources is pulling out all the stops to share some of our greatest treasures with our members. If you join today, you will be able to download 5 volumes of Eugene Zimmerman’s cartooning course materials. That’s over 800 pages of tips, advice, drawings and horse sense. But these books will only be available until the end of the month, so join today! For a rundown of all the perks of Animation Resources membership, see…
Every other month, members of Animation Resources are given access to an exclusive Members Only Reference Pack. These downloadable files are high resolution e-books on a variety of educational subjects and rare cartoons from the collection of Animation Resources in DVD quality. Our current Reference Pack has just been released. If you are a member, click through the link to access the MEMBERS ONLY DOWNLOAD PAGE. If you aren’t a member yet, please JOIN ANIMATION RESOURCES. It’s well worth it.
Eugene "Zim" Zimmerman
Zim’s Correspondence School of Cartooning, Comic Art & Caricature Volume 4: Books 16 to 20 (1914/1920)
Eugene Zimmerman, better known simply as "Zim" was one of cartooning’s most important figures, but he is rarely mentioned in current histories of the medium. This is unfortunate, because Zim wasn’t just a great caricaturist and cartoonist, he was a great educator as well.
The "Zim Correspondence School of Comic Art and Caricature" packs a lifetime of experience into twenty small booklets. There are no chapters or formal lessons, just common-sense advice and lots and lots of brilliant drawings. Zim teaches his students the same way he learned his trade, one step at a time. Each page is a self-contained bit of sagely advice, intended to be studied a page or two a day. As readers work their way though the course over the span of a year, the information accumulates, gradually transforming them from a talented amateur to a seasoned professional artist. No one was more qualified to teach students how to think like an artist than Eugene Zimmerman.
Zim first published his cartooning course in 1914 and revised it in 1920. We have compiled all of the information from both editions into four e-books for our membership. Along with the course, we have included full page color cartoons by Zim from the pages of Judge magazine. We are proud to have been able to bring the entire Zim Cartooning Course to you as downloadable high resolution e-books. This PDF e-book is optimized for display on the iPad or printing two up with a cover on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper.
REFPACK008: Zim’s Cartooning Course Volume 4
Adobe PDF File / 198 Pages
198 MB Download
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