Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

REFPACK021: Animation Resources Members Only Page Updated

Reference Pack

Every other month, Animation Resources shares a new Reference Pack with its members. They consist of an e-book packed with high resolution scans and video downloads set up for still frame study. Members. make sure you download the Reference Packs before they expire. When it’s gone, it’s gone!

There’s a new RefPack on the Members Only page today! Login to the…


This RefPack includes the second volume of cartoons from Esquire. To commemorate its first five years in business, Esquire planned an annual gathering together the best cartoons from 1933 to 1937. The book was never published, but Animation Resources was given access to the only remaining prototype of the book.

Lotte Reiniger Mozart

Also included are two brilliant animated films set to the music of Mozart by Lotte Reiniger. Reiniger’s technique of silhouette animation using jointed paper puppets is rarely used today. But it provides a good model for designing asset based Flash animation.

Three TerryToons

The Reference Pack features three cartoons from the Terry-Toons studio. Animation histories describe Terry cartoons as all looking basically the same, but nothing could be further from the truth. These three cartoons don’t just look different from each other, the style of the animation changes from scene to scene!

Charms B.G.

Beginning this time, we are including a bonus download from one of our earlier RefPacks. This time the bonus is a rare industrial film from the Paul Fennell studios. Titled “Charms B.G.”, this sales film in Technicolor was designed by the legendary layout artist, Ed Benedict.

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Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

REFPACK016: Download Two Rare Fleischer Screen Song Cartoons!

Download Page
May-June 2016

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Every other month, members of Animation Resources are given access to an exclusive Members Only Reference Pack. These downloadable files are high resolution e-books on a variety of educational subjects and rare cartoons from the collection of Animation Resources in DVD quality. Our current Reference Pack has just been released. If you are a member, click through the link to access the MEMBERS ONLY DOWNLOAD PAGE. If you aren’t a member yet, please JOIN ANIMATION RESOURCES. It’s well worth it.

Download Page
Screen Songs

Two Fleischer Screen Songs
Download Page
“Tune Up And Sing” (1934) “Let’s All Sing Like The Birdies Sing” (1934)

When the Hayes Office took aim at risqué humor in the movies, Fleischer’s Betty Boop cartoons were square in its crosshairs. The difference between the 1933 Betty Boop cartoons and the ones from 1934 is stark, and the series never really recovered from the blow. The Screen Songs weren’t hit nearly as hard, but you can still see that when it comes to gags, punches are being pulled. To add insult to injury, when these cartoons were syndicated to television in the late 1950s, the live action celebrity cameos and singalong sequences were usually cut out, and that is the case with the two examples we are sharing in this Reference Pack. But because of the way the cartoons were constructed, the edit isn’t too noticeable and they play well as short cartoons.

In the home video era, the Fleischer Screen Songs cartoons are missing in action. Only a tiny handful have been released. Animation Resources would like to thank our Advisory Board Member, Steve Stanchfield for sharing these rare films with us.

REFPACK016: Two Fleischer Screen Songs
Download Page
MP4 Video File / 8:34 / 154 MB Download

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Fleischer Screen Songs
Fleischer Screen Songs
Fleischer Screen Songs
Fleischer Screen Songs
Fleischer Screen Songs
Fleischer Screen Songs
Fleischer Screen Songs

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Check out this SAMPLE REFERENCE PACK! It will give you a taste of what Animation Resources members get to download every other month!

Sample RefPack

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Friday, March 31st, 2017

Want To Work In Animation? Start here.

You can go to animation school, spend a $100,000 and not learn a damn thing about the basics of good animation drawing- OR you can buy a Preston Blair book for $8 and learn it all in a couple months. You pick.

If you learn the principles correctly, you will be able to draw in any style today. You’ll be miserable having to dumb down your abilities- but you will be in demand. –John Kricfalusi


The internet offers animation students opportunities that have never existed before. The one I’m about to tell you about is the chance of a lifetime. How would you like to learn to draw for animation from one of the greatest cartoonists of the golden age, and one of the greatest current cartoonists? Here’s your chance…

Read this important note from John Kricfalusi before reading any further.

Preston BlairPreston BlairPreston Blair was one of the finest draftsmen to ever work in the animated film. He animated Mickey Mouse in "Sorcerer’s Apprentice", and he was one of the top animators at MGM, where he animated the legendary Red Hot Riding Hood. His book, titled simply "Animation" crystalized the basic principles of cartoon animation, and profoundly influenced a whole generation of young animators. He passed away in 1995.

John KJohn KJohn Kricfalusi revolutionized television animation- first with Ralph Bakshi on "Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures", and then on "The Ren & Stimpy Show. He went on to pioneer Flash animation with the first internet cartoon series, "The Goddamn George Liquor Program". John has done extensive research into the techniques and processes of the golden age cartoons, and he is sharing his knowledge on his blog, All Kinds Of Stuff.

Preston Blair BookPreston Blair BookTo participate in this informal blog-based drawing course, you will need to get a copy of Preston Blair’s Animation (Book 1). You can order it through the link above, or you should be able to find it at your local art store.

You will also need to print out the pages of the first edition of the book…

Preston Blair’s Advanced Animation 1st Edition


Read John Kricfalusi’s introduction to this lesson at…
Animation School Lesson 1: Construction- The Head

Then READ and FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS Preston Blair gives you on these two pages…

Preston Blair
Preston Blair

Draw the bear head at the top of the page over and over until you get it perfect. It takes hundreds and hundreds of drawings to accomplish. When you draw a perfect bear head, you can move on to other characters. But get the simple bear perfect first. EACH STEP BUILDS ON THE SKILLS YOU GAIN FROM THE ONE BEFORE IT. Don’t skip ahead!

Make an egg model and draw it from several angles using the techniques of construction.

Draw all of the various characters on these pages, paying close attention to the volumetric forms and proportions.

After you have drawn a character, compare it to Preston Blair’s drawing and note any differences on yours in red pencil.

Draw it again, trying to correct your mistakes from the first time.

When you are satisfied with your drawings, post them on the…

Animation Creative League Facebook page

You can’t get valuable feedback if you don’t share your drawings!


Preston Blair BookPreston Blair BookIf you just look at the drawings and read the text, you’ll end up with educated eyes and an educated mind… and ignorant hands. A lot of artists excuse their lack of skill by claiming that flat drawings and unappealing shapes are their “style”. Poor drawing skills don’t constitute a style.

Any artist who doesn’t draw as well as Preston Blair (and that encompasses an awful lot of people!) will benefit from sitting down and doing these exercises. The ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive Blog is making it easy for you, bringing all the material you need together. This is a unique opportunity. Don’t waste it.

As the gunfighters said in the old West… DRAW!

Read what Lines & Colors had to say about the course.

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources


This posting is part of an online series of articles dealing with Instruction.

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