Every other month, members of Animation Resources are given access to an exclusive Members Only Reference Pack. In March 2015, they were able to download this wonderful e-book consisting of two classic cartoon collections by H. M. Bateman. Our Reference Packs change every two months, so if you weren’t a member back then, you missed out on it. But you can still buy a copy of this great e-book in our E-Book and Video Store. Our downloadable PDF files are packed with high resolution images on a variety of educational subjects, and we also offer rare animated cartoons from the collection of Animation Resources as downloadable DVD quality video files. If you aren’t a member yet, please consider JOINING ANIMATION RESOURCES. It’s well worth it.
H. M. Bateman
Suburbia (1922) & Burlesques (1916/1922)
Born in 1887, H. M. Batman was already drawing for publication in his early teens. Astonishingly prolific and inventive, everything he saw became material, so that his work can be read as a social history of Britain in the first half of the 20th Century and, to an extraordinary degree, as a kind of autobiography. His style developed and changed radically over the years. From the graceful and rhythmical lines of his earlier work to the stark brilliance of his strip cartoons and the furious energy of his "Man Who…" series, his essential qualities of superb draughtsmanship, astonishing observation and a profound appreciation of humanity’s foibles, are always married to a wonderful wit and narrative perfection. He told marvellously funny stories in pictures.
This PDF e-book contains two complete cartoon books packed with hundreds of Bateman’s cartoons and caricatures, and includes a biography from HMBateman.com. This PDF e-book is optimized for display on the iPad or printing two up with a cover on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper.
Adobe PDF File / 136 Pages
473 MB Download
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