I’ve been doing research to write the introduction to Animation Resources’ upcoming members only e-book on the weekly caricature journal, Die Muskete. It’s frustrating how history is so compartmentalized. Information on the artistic culture of Vienna at the turn of the 20th century is spread all over a dozen different subjects, from architecture, to political history, to fine art and social culture. But very little is said about the hugely important part that cartooning played. That’s probably because the artists who worked for Die Muskete didn’t think of themselves as cartoonists. They designed frescos and murals, theater sets and costumes, they painted in oils and watercolors… In short, they were artists, and cartooning was just one way they expressed their artistry. But WOW! did they express it powerfully! The e-book is going to be about 250 pages, covering four months of issues starting in April of 1910. I plan to continue the run chronologically in future e-books. Very important stuff! -Stephen Worth
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