A lot of current animators are dipping their toes into the arena of live action filmmaking. But for some reason, when they make a live action film, everything they learned making animated cartoons seems to go right out the window. Not so with Frank Tashlin…
Tashlin worked at Terry-Toons, Van Beuren, Iwerks, Columbia and Disney, but he is best known for his cartoons for Warner Bros. He directed Daffy Duck and Private Snafu cartoons, and his style was marked by clear comic staging and fast action.
In 1948 Tashlin left animation to become a live action gag writer for the Marx Bros, Lucille Ball, Bob Hope and Red Skelton. But his most productive collaboration was with Jerry Lewis…

On Saturday May 19th at 7 pm, the Animation Creative League will be hosting a screening of one of Tashlin’s greatest films, “Who’s Minding The Store” in a high definition Vistavision transfer.
“Who’s Minding The Store?” and selected shorts
Saturday, May 19th 2012 at 7pm
RSVP to creativeleague@animationarts.org

“Who’s Minding The Store” is a Warner Bros cartoon come to life. The incredibly exaggerated gags pile one on top of each other at a rapid pace, leading to a finale that will have you doubled over with laughter. Lots to learn from this film!
OK… I can hear you saying, “I HATE Jerry Lewis!” But give this film a chance. There is a good reason why Lewis was one of the most popular and beloved comedians of his day. If you don’t believe me, just check out this quick clip from “Who’s Minding The Store”…
Jerry Lewis Typewriter Bit From
“Who’s Minding The Store?”
We will also be screening a couple of Tashlin’s best Warner Bros cartoons for comparison. Like this one…
“Porky Pig’s Feat” (1943) at YouTube

This very special screening will be held at 7pm on May 19th, 2012. Our screening room is located in Pacoima, CA. The Animation Creative League meetings are by invitation only. To request an invite, contact Taber Dunnipace at…
If you can bring refreshments, please do. Confirmations will go out well in advance of the screening. Space is limited. Make sure you let us know if you can’t make it so we can offer your seat to another person.