George Méliès was a French illusionist and filmmaker famous for leading many technical and narrative developments in the earliest days of cinema. Méliès, a prolific innovator in the use of special effects, accidentally discovered the substitution stop trick in 1896, and was one of the first filmmakers to use multiple exposures, time-lapse photography, dissolves, and hand-painted colour in his work. Because of his ability to seemingly manipulate and transform reality through cinematography, Méliès is sometimes referred to as the first “Cinemagician”.
On April 14th at 7pm, we will be screening a program of fantastic films by this pioneer filmmaker on the big screen from newly restored prints. Prepare to be amazed!
Attendance at Creative League meetings is by invitation only. To reserve a confirmation to attend, you must email the group administrator Taber Dunnipace at creativeleague@animationarts.org for information. Space is limited. As a courtesy to the rest of the members of our group, do not request a confirmation if you do not plan to attend, and let us know immediately if your plans change so we can offer your space to another member.
“The Astronomer’s Dream” 1896 at YouTube
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