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Donation of Collection of Russian and Polish Puppet Animation

Colgarol the Bear

Last week Animation Resources received two big boxes in the mail as a donation from a longtime supporter in Canada. Davey Jarrell and I opened the boxes this weekend and were amazed at what they contained. It’s a 20 year collection of material related to stop motion puppet animation, primarily focusing on Russian and Polish films. Included are books and catalogs along with dozens and dozens of rare DVDs from all over the world.

I was most intrigued by a stack of DVDs and 16mm films from the Russian puppet series Colargol (aka Barnaby Bear, Jeremy, Beertje, etc.) I’ve never seen these films before, but based on the books and a quick check of the DVDs, they are wonderful. If you aren’t familiar with them, just take a look at this image…
Colgarol the Bear
Every artist worth his salt has a personal reference library, but Animation Resources is building the ultimate artist’s clip file. Animators of all kinds have donated material of all kinds so we can digitize them and share them with our members. We do that every other month in our RefPacks. You can expect to see some eye popping puppet films in our upcoming ones.

If you want to share in the treasures, JOIN TODAY. This month is Members Appreciation Time at Animation Resources, and for the next 30 days we will be sharing reasons why you should be a member of our important project. It’s easy to join. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online…


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