Animation Resources is holding its Annual Meeting, screening and party on Saturday March 11th and you’re invited!
Every year, Animation Resources holds a meeting where we recap our accomplishments during the previous year and announce our goals for the upcoming one. It’s a great time to find out more about our organization and meet the people who make it all happen. But that’s not all… we screen a rare film from our collection on the big screen, we network and we party as well!
This year, we will be screening a brand new high definition restoration of Karel Zeman’s revolutionary film, Baron Prášil (The Fabulous Baron Munchausen). You probably have never heard of this film, but after you see it, you’ll never forget it.
Terry Gilliam is quoted as saying, “I remember when I was doing Baron Munchausen seeing a picture in a [British Film Institute] catalogue from Karel Zeman’s Baron Munchausen and saying, “Wow, what is this?” and eventually seeing the film, and saying, “Wow, that’s great,” because he did what I’m still trying to do, which is to try and combine live action with animation. His Doré-esque backgrounds were wonderful. The film captured the real spirit of the character.”
Our digital transfer of the film comes all the way from the Karel Zeman Museum in Czechoslovakia. You won’t see this one on Netflix! So don’t miss it.
If you would like to attend the party, please RSVP by sending an email to Taber Dunipace at… Our seating for the screening is limited, so please RSVP early and if it turns out later that you can’t make it, let us know so we can offer your seat to someone else on the waiting list. If you can, please bring snacks and drinks for the refreshments table.
KAREL ZEMAN’S BARON PRASIL (The Fabuous Baron Munchausen)
SATURDAY MARCH 11th 2017 7:30pm
Animation Resources Headquarters, Pacoima, CA
About The Film:
About Karel Zeman: