Even if you don’t live in the Los Angeles area, you can volunteer to help build the digital archive of AnimationResources.org.
If you have material you think the artists who read AnimationResources.org would be interested in… comic books, magazine cartoons, animation art, book illustrations, or other artwork… we would appreciate being able to add them to our collection. If you have a scanner capable of color scanning at 600 dots per inch, you can scan the artwork yourself. If you don’t have access to a scanner, you can send the material to us to be scanned and returned. Our specifications for digitization are 600 dpi TIFF uncompressed files. We also accept video in DVD or DV-Video formats. Your digitized files can be mailed to us via postal mail on DVD-R disks. Contact Stephen Worth at sworth@animationresources.org for details. - RESEARCH BIOGRAPHICAL DATA
We are compiling biographies of significant artists for our biographical database. If you are able to do internet research to assemble and write biographical sketches, contact us for a list of available artists’ names. For more information, contact Stephen Worth at sworth@animationresources.org. The format for the biographical sketches is as follows… - Birth/Death
- Occupation/Title
- Bio Summary
- Early Life/Family
- Education/Training
- Career Outline
- Comments On Style
- Influences
- Personality
- Anecdotes
- Miscellaneous
- Filmography
- Honors
- Related Links
- Bibliographic References