We just posted Reference Pack 033 to our Members Only Page. Every other month, Animation Resources shares a new Reference Pack with its members. They consist of an e-book packed with high resolution scans and video downloads set up for still frame study. Make sure you download the Reference Packs before they’re updated. When it’s gone, it’s gone!
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This time our Reference Pack is overflowing with incredible treasures that you’ve never even dreamed existed. First of all, did you know that Scandinavian countries have a wintertime tradition of publishing lavishly illustrated cartoon annuals? Animation Resources has gotten access to a batch of them from 1910 to 1918 and we are in the process of digitizing them and formatting them into e-books. The first volume covers 1911-1912 and it is a real eye-popper! Wonderfully detailed “birds eye view” cartoons, pointed caricatures and beautiful illustration from the golden age.

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And that is just the beginning… We have also curated a program of rarely seen Polish animation. You will wonder why you’ve never seen these before. They incorporate folk art, modern design, stop motion puppets, abstraction, a little bit of everything! The animators in Poland in the 1950s through the 1970s were masters of just about every style of animation. They pioneered techniques we are still learning today. You won’t want to miss this.

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RefPack033 also includes three Columbia cartoons from the 1930s that you won’t ever see anywhere else. We’ll be honest… the cartoons are lousy, but we provide context in a detailed analysis that explains how film makers should learn to mine for techniques, even in cartoons they would never watch for entertainment. Learning isn’t something that just happens… you have to work it and break down the nuts and bolts of how things work. We’ll help you learn that with these three cartoons.

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Our bonus download this month is one of the most important e-books we have ever shared. It covers a subject that is often discussed- the origins of cartooning- but it does it in a way you would have never imagined. What relationship is there between 15th century woodcuts by Hans Holbein and modern comic books? Well, a lot more than you would ever expect! If you are a comic artist, download this book and read the introduction. It will blow your mind!
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At Animation Resources, our Advisory Board includes great artists and animators like Ralph Bakshi, Will Finn, J.J. Sedelmeier and Sherm Cohen. They’ve let us know the things that they use in their own self study so we can share them with you. That’s experience you just can’t find anywhere else. The most important information isn’t what you already know… It’s the information you should know about, but don’t know yet. We bring that to you every other month.

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Animation Resources is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization dedicated to providing self study material to the worldwide animation community. If you are a creative person working in animation, cartooning or illustration, you owe it to yourself to be a member of Animation Resources.