Animation Resources’ next Reference Pack will be posted this coming weekend. If you are a member and haven’t had a chance to download it yet, do it now before RefPack 035 is deleted from the server. If you aren’t a member yet, NOW is the perfect time to join. Download RefPack 035 today and have a new Reference Pack to download this weekend. Animation Resources is dedicated to helping you become a better artist. There is no reason not to join!

Every other month, Animation Resources shares a new Reference Pack with its members. They consist of an e-book packed with high resolution scans and video downloads set up for still frame study. Make sure you download the Reference Packs before they’re updated. When it’s gone, it’s gone!
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Animation Resources has just posted its 35th RefPack! This time our Reference Pack is jam packed with incredible things to study and inspire you. First of all, we are sharing some amazing collection of WWI cartoons by Bruce Bairnsfather. Early in life, Bairnsfather had difficulty finding his place in the world, but when he became a soldier, all that changed. The London Times noted that he was “fortunate in possessing a talent… which suited almost to the point of genius one particular moment and one particular set of circumstances. His series of cartoons called "Fragments From France" was a sensation, and they gave the public back home a sense of what life in the trenches was like.

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And that is just the beginning… In RefPack029 we shared some amazing experimental animation by Len Lye. This time, we return to that subject with five more wonderful films. Lye’s technique is drop dead simple and direct… Lye painted directly on blank rolls of film with colored dyes and created layers of movement in an optical printer. But that is just the surface. It goes much deeper than that. The planning required to achieve this complete synthesis of sound and motion required incredible concentration. The result is deceptively simple- it’s like abstract art coming to life and dancing across the screen. If you have never seen Lye’s work before, you are in for a treat!

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RefPack035 also includes a pair of cartoons featuring the children’s character, Cheburashka. The animation in these films is brilliant, and it’s well worth still framing through to study how the various personalities are put across through the walk cycles and gestures. The puppets limit the flexibility of facial expressions, but the animators more than make up for it through the way the characters move. The principles behind stop motion, hand drawn animation and CGI are all the same. The different disciplines have a lot to learn from each other!

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Our bonus download this month is a commercial reel from the collection of Paul Fennell. The Kedso the Clown spots, voiced by children’s TV personality Pinkie Lee, were very influential on the design of later television animation at Hanna-Barbera and other studios. We thank the family of Paul Fennell for sharing all of the wonderful commercial reels with us that we have been featuring over the past years.
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At Animation Resources, our Advisory Board includes great artists and animators like Ralph Bakshi, Will Finn, J.J. Sedelmaier and Sherm Cohen. They’ve let us know the things that they use in their own self study so we can share them with you. That’s experience you just can’t find anywhere else. The most important information isn’t what you already know… It’s the information you should know about, but don’t know yet. We bring that to you every other month.
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Animation Resources is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization dedicated to providing self study material to the worldwide animation community. If you are a creative person working in animation, cartooning or illustration, you owe it to yourself to be a member of Animation Resources.