Rube Goldberg was known as the "Dean of American Cartoonists". His longtime friend Grantland Rice wrote…
I recall those great Goldberg cartoons of forty-odd years ago. While introducing an element of broad burlesque, they were packed with real humor and were all based on a sound philiosophy of life. His cartoons ran under such headings as "This All Comes Under The Head Of Pleasure", "They All Look Good When You’re Far Away", "Now That You’ve Got It, What Are You Going To Do With It". "Father Was Right", "Foolish Questions" and many others. Each was based on the kind of universal experience that almost every one of us stumbles into at one time or another. Rube had a knack of looking underneath the surface and discovering things that only seemed obvious after he had pointed them out with his fun-stirring pen.
Here’s the entry on Goldberg from Martin Sheridan’s book, Comics And Their Creators…

Goldberg was best known for his crazy inventions, which are featured at the bottom of each one of these "Side Show" Sunday pages. I have made the thumbnails smaller this time to fit more pages in. Click on them and spend some quality time reading these great comic pages from the late 1930s.

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources
This posting is part of the online Encyclopedia of Cartooning under the subject heading, Newspaper Comics.