The Animation Archive Project was established fifteen years ago, and in that relatively short span of time, Animation Resources has amassed a treasure trove of rare reference material that provides online inspiration and instruction to animators, cartoonists and illustrators.
We invite you to join us in celebrating our anniversary and thanking the members of Animation Resources who make everything we do possible. No birthday celebration would be complete without presents, and we’ve picked out a treasure chest of FREE downloads for you… a retrospective look at our first 25 Reference Packs! If you’re a member already, click the link below to access the Members Only Page.
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If you aren’t a member yet, read on, and we’ll tell you why you should be…
This is the best time to join Animation Resources. We are throwing in a bunch of special bonuses this month to make the decision easy for you! If you join right now, you will immediately receive TWO E-BOOKS (380 pages) and FOUR VIDEO DOWNLOADS OF RARE ANIMATION (80 minutes in total). Over the next year, you will receive SIX MORE E-BOOKS and FOUR MORE HOURS of rare films… all that for only $85 a year for General Membership or $60 a year for full time students and educators. Better yet, your dues will never increase for as long as you maintain your membership. That is a drop dead bargain! But the best part is that you’ll be supporting a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is created by artists for artists. Every dollar you pay in dues goes right back into providing more valuable resources. If you are a creative person, you should be a member of Animation Resources. By helping us, you help yourself and the whole art form.
At the top of this page, we promised you treasures. Here they are… A sampling of the best of the first 25 Animation Resources Reference Packs!
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EVERYONE ELSE: Click This Link To Download

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