May 29th, 2023

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RefPack051: Last Call. Download Now!

Reference Pack

Every other month, Animation Resources shares a new Reference Pack with its members. They consist of e-books packed with high resolution scans video downloads of rare animated films set up for still frame study, as well as podcasts and documentaries— all designed to help you become a better artist. Make sure you download this Reference Pack before it’s updated. When it’s gone, it’s gone!


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The latest Animation Resources Reference Pack has been uploaded to the server. Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll find when you log in to the members only page…

Hiroshige Tokaido Road

53 Stations Of The Tokaido Road
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Utagawa Hiroshige
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Animation Resources is proud to be able to share an e-book featuring the complete collection of one of the masterpieces of Japanese art, Utagawa Hiroshige’s 53 Stations Of The Tokaido Road. Vincent Van Gogh collected prints from this set, and Frank Lloyd Wright described them as "the most valuable contributions ever made to the art of the world." These are not cartoons, designed to be flipped through quickly. The images look deceptively simple at first, but closer examination will reveal amazing details that make the pictures come to life. Each one is a world unto itself.

John Sutherland

It’s Everybody’s Business
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Carl Urbano / John Sutherland Productions / 1954

John Sutherland was a producer of industrial films. His studio maintained high production values thanks to the top artists that worked under him. Carl Urbano directed the film we are sharing here, and Bill Scott and George Gordon were the story artists. The animators on this short include Emery Hawkins, Abe Levitow and Bill Melendez, and the production designer was Maurice Noble. The music is by Les Baxter and Eugene Poddany. That’s a staff that would be the envy of any major animation studio.


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Khitruk Stompy

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Fyodor Khitruk / Soyuzmultfilm, Russia / 1964
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In previous Reference Packs, we shared Fyodor Khitruk’s adaptation of A. A. Milne’s stories about Winnie the Pooh. This time, we are sharing one of Khitruk’s early films, "Stompy". Khitruk’s design in this film is brilliant, especially the use of flat areas of color surrounding lush textures. It makes you want to reach out and pet the characters.

Karel Dodal

Mystery Of The MK204 Turning Point
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Karel Dodal / Prague, Czechoslovakia / 1934

In one of our previous Reference Packs, we included two commercials from Czechoslovakia. This time, we feature a very early animated commercial by Karel Dodal. The history of animation in Czechoslovakia goes back to the 1920s. Karel Dodal, not only produced advertisements like this one (some featuring Felix the Cat), but also puppet and experimental films.

The Breakdown

The Breakdown
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Klaus Georgi & Lutz Stutzner / DEFA, East Germany / 1988

Lutz Stutzner was trained as a designer of posters. While attending school in Dresden, he met Otto Muller the head of the DEFA animation studios in East Germany, who encouraged him to apply as a trainee at the studio. He rose to the position of director and teamed with Klaus Georgi who had helped to establish the animation division at DEFA. Georgi directed over 80 animated films in a variety of techniques: cel animation, cut outs, silhouette and puppet animation. When the Berlin Wall fell, many of the state owned businesses were liquidated, including DEFA. Lutz Stutzner was instrumental in organizing efforts to rescue important artifacts and film elements from East German film studios from being dispersed.


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Professor Balthazar

Professor Balthazar in "The Rise And Fall Of Horatio"
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Zlatko Grgic / Zagreb Films, Croatia / 1967

In a previous Reference Pack we featured several Maxi-Cat mini-cartoons by Zlatko Grgic, a Croatian animator who later emigrated to Canada to join the Canadian Film Board. Grgic is best known for his series of cartoons featuring the character Professor Balthazar, an old man who solves problems for his friends by creating inventions with a magical machine. Produced between 1967 and 1973, the series ran all over the world. Its silent pantomime with voice over narration made it easy to translate to other countries It aired everywhere from New Zealand to Romania to Zimbabwe. In the United States it was featured on Chuck Jones’ television program, Curiosity Shop.

Big X

Big X
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Curated by JoJo Baptista
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Eps. 41 & 50 / TMS, Osamu Tezuka (1964)
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Big X was created by Osamu Tezuka, and it was the first television series produced by TMS (Tokyo Movie Shinsha). It debuted on August 3rd, 1964 and 59 episodes were made, of which 22 survive. This early series breaks a lot of rules, from wildly off model poses to crazy perspective in the backgrounds to strange exaggerated movement. The artists were experimenting and learning as they went. The results are pretty rough, but they manage to make a fun and entertaining show, even with all the mistakes.


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Hans Richter

Four Films By Hans Richter
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Rhythmus 21 (1921) / Ghosts For Breakfast (1927)
Hans Richter
Inflation (1928) / Race Symphony (1928)

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Our Sidetracks section features a pioneer of abstract filmmaking this time. Although Hans Richter may not be as well known as Salvador Dali, Piet Mondrian or Marcel Duchamp, he occupies as important a role in the history of the Dadaist and abstract movements in art. Between WWI and WWII, he explored abstraction as well as film making. In fact, his experimental film, "Rhytmus 21" was one of the very first abstract animated films. We’re sharing several of his major films, along with an interview done with Richter in 1972. These films may look primitive and technically crude today, but at the time they were made, they were groundbreaking. There was no precedent for these techniques. Throughout his life, Richter was a catalyst, always on the forefront facilitating revolutionary changes in art.

Trucks and Pans

Trucks & Pans
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Curated By David Eisman
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Animation Resources Board Member, David Eisman discusses a subject you might not have thought about seriously before… trucks and pans. The truck, in essence, is the movement of a camera inward or outward. The pan is the movement of a camera from side-to-side, either left to right or right to left. In live action these camera moves are pretty straightforward, but they are more complicated in hand drawn animated films.


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Available to Student and General Members
  • E-BOOK: Arthur Rackham – Rip Van Winkle & Grimm’s Fairy Tales
  • VIDEO: Three Early Betty Boop Cartoons – Dizzy Dishes / Barnacle Bill / The Bum Bandit
  • VIDEO: Five Films By Norman McLaren – Mail Early / Hen Hop / Fiddle De Dee / Begone Dull Care / Blinkety Blank
Arthur Rackham

ANIMATION RESOURCES ANNUAL MEMBERS: Reference Pack 019 is now being rerun and is now available for download. It includes a PDF e-book of high resolution scans of illustrations by Arthur Rackham, three of the earliest Betty Boop cartoons, and a handful of films by the revolutionary animator Norman McLaren! These downloads will be available until May 1st and after that, they will be deleted from the server. So download them now!

Early Betty Boop

If you are currently on a quarterly membership plan, consider upgrading to an annual membership to get access to our bonus page with even more downloads. If you still have time on you quarterly membership when you upgrade to an annual membership, email us at…

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…and we will credit your membership with the additional time.

Norman McLaren

Click to access the…

Annual Member Bonus Archive
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Downloads expire after May 1st, 2023


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Whew! That is an amazing collection of treasures! At Animation Resources, our Advisory Board includes great artists and animators like Ralph Bakshi, Will Finn, J.J. Sedelmaier and Sherm Cohen. They’ve let us know the things that they use in their own self study so we can share them with you. That’s experience you just can’t find anywhere else. The most important information isn’t what you already know… It’s the information you should know about, but don’t know yet. We bring that to you every other month.

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Check out this SAMPLE REFERENCE PACK! It will give you a taste of what Animation Resources members get to download every other month!

Sample RefPack


Animation Resources is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization dedicated to providing self study material to the worldwide animation community. If you are a creative person working in animation, cartooning or illustration, you owe it to yourself to be a member of Animation Resources.


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Animation Resources is one of the best kept secrets in the world of cartooning. Every month, we sponsor a program of interest to artists, and every other month, we share a book and up to an hour of rare animation with our members. If you are a creative person interested in the fields of animation, cartooning or illustration, you should be a member of Animation Resources!

It’s easy to join Animation Resources. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online…


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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 1:24 pm

May 25th, 2023

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Pinups: George Petty’s Ridgid Tools Calendars

Petty Girls

Petty GirlsPetty GirlsGeorge Petty was one of the top "cheesecake" illustrators of the 30s and 40s. He began his career with a series of cartoons featuring beautiful girls and their far from handsome beaus. His work coined the term "Petty Girls" to describe the carefully airbrushed girls with brilliant smiles and sexy poses. He left Esquire, to be replaced by Alberto Vargas who we will be featuring here soon, and became a freelance commercial artist. His girls soon ended up gracing magazine ads and calendars for such unlikely products as Tung-Sol Radio Tubes and the aptly named, Ridgid Tools.

Mike Fontanelli has generously allowed Animtion Resources to digitize his Rigid Tools collection. These calendar pages are among the most sought after pinup collectibles, selling for as much as $40 to $50 a sheet. Many thanks to Mike for sharing this with us.

Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls

Here’s an extra bonus! The 1947 True Magazine Petty Girl calendar…

Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls
Petty Girls

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources

Magazine CartoonsMagazine Cartoons

This posting is part of the online Encyclopedia of Cartooning under the subject heading, Magazine Cartoons.

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Posted by admin @ 10:13 am

May 22nd, 2023

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Illustration: Mary Blair’s Baby’s House

Mary Blair Baby's House

Earlier, we featured Mary Blair’s Golden Book "Little Verses". Today, we feature her long out-of-print book, "Baby’s House".

Many thanks to my friend Mike Fontanelli for sharing this with us.

Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House
Mary Blair Baby's House

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources


This posting is part of a series of articles comprising an online exhibit spotlighting Illustration.

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Posted by admin @ 10:00 am