In 2016, Animation Resources embarked on a project to create audio podcasts for our members on a variety of topics. Initially hosted by Michael Woodside, the project was later turned over to Animation Resources Board Member Davey Jarrell. Along with the help of Stephen Worth and Taber Dunipace, Davey produced a wide range of live programs on our Discord server under the title “Discord Discussions”… an analysis of Chuck Jones’ timing process for “How The Grinch Stole Christmas”; interviews with Joe Murray, Lenord Robinson and Craig Bartlett; as well as seminars on advice for independent animators and use of reference. These were recorded and shared with the members of Animation Resources on our Members Only Download Page.
The success of these programs encouraged us in 2022 to take it one step further by creating a live streaming channel. Davey teamed up with Board Member David Eisman and David "Pez" Hofmann to spec out the necessary equipment and technology to be able to serve live video to the entire world. It took us nearly a year to raise the funds, but we now have a first class streaming server.
Our live streams fall under three headings:
ANIMATED DISCUSSIONS: (Hosted by Davey Jarrell) These programs are the continuation of the “Discord Discussions” series, consisting of interviews, seminars and panel discussions on subjects of interest to artists.
MOVIE NIGHT: (Hosted by David Eisman) A monthly program consisting of samples of rare animated films from Animation Resources’ digital archive. Each film is discussed and put into context.
MEMBERS UPDATE: (open hosting) In these programs we give our members a peek behind the scenes at Animation Resources, sharing what we are working on and talking about our plans for the future. We will have chat feedback, so the audience can interact with the program and ask questions.
These streams are announced at least a week in advance on the Animation Resources site and across our social media. At this point in time, the live streams are open and available to the general public, but they will not be publicly archived after the program has ended. If you miss a stream, you will need to be a member of Animation Resources and login to our Members Only page, where we have an archive of our recent podcasts.
Live streaming video is expensive. If you would like to support the project, please consider JOINING Animation Resources. With more members, we have more funding to produce more programs.
Animation Resources depends on your contributions to support its projects. Even if you can’t afford to join our group right now, please click the button below to donate whatever you can afford using PayPal.

Animation Resources has embarked on a podcasting series with informal screenings, interviews and seminars. Check back to this page regularly for the latest episodes.
History Of Cartooning From East To West
Animated Discussions 010 / Hosted by Davey Jarrell with Stephen Worth, Danny Young & Michael Woodside
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Have you ever dreamed of traveling the world and going back in time in a time machine to find out when cartoons began? Well climb aboard this very special episode of Animated Discussions. We’re going to do just that!
Animation Resources’ Programming Director, Davey Jarrell hosts a broad reaching look at the history of cartooning in both the Western world and Asia. Nearly two decades in the making, this podcast is perhaps the most important resource we’ve ever shared. Along with Danny Young and Michael Woodside, Animation Resources president, Stephen Worth traces the breadcrumbs of cartoon history back from the present day to the 15th century… and then with the help of Davey Jarrell, Stephen traces the history of Japanese cartooning from the 12th century back up to the present day.
By tracing the branches of history, we can see the outlines of what cartooning is and where it came from. Best of all, learning about the artists from the past will inspire cartoonists to take back their art form and build on the incredible foundation they built for us.
You won’t want to miss this podcast. Take notes and google names you hear us talk about. You’ll find lots of wonderful things to research that will change the way you think about cartooning.

MP3 Audio File / 2:41:37 / 315 MB Download
Lenord Robinson Interview
Animated Discussions 009 / Hosted by Davey Jarrell with Lenord Robinson
Lenord Robinson has worked in the animation industry for over 40 years. An animator, storyboard artist, character designer, producer, and director, Lenord has helped bring many of your favorite properties to life— The Black Cauldron, Fox and the Hound, Muppet Babies, Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, and Bob’s Burgers, to name a few. He has lived through many technological changes in the animation industry, changes that left many veteran artists by the wayside, such as the transition from paper to Cintiqs, as well as the rise of CG animation and the fall of theatrical hand drawn animation. You can hear all about Lenord’s work and career advice in this episode of Animated Discussions.

MP3 Audio File / 51:53 / 34 MB Download

Craig Bartlett Interview
Animated Discussions 008 / Hosted by Davey Jarrell with Craig Bartlett
Craig Bartlett is the creator and producer of the TV shows Hey Arnold!, Dinosaur Train, and Ready Jet Go! Throughout his 40 year tenure in the animation industry, Craig has worked in nearly every style from stop-motion to hand-drawn to CG. He’s successfully adapted to many technological changes in the industry and his career shows no signs of stopping. Find out what inspires Craig and his secrets to career longevity in this episode of Animated Discussions.

MP3 Audio File / 1:01:58 / 55 MB Download

Is Reference Constructive Or A Crutch?
Animated Discussions 007 / Hosted by Davey Jarrell with Taber Dunipace and Stephen Worth
There’s a myth that says that true artists don’t use reference, that they are just born gifted, and their inspiration just comes out of thin air. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The most successful artists use reference for two main purposes: one is for finding solutions to technical problems, and the other is for general inspiration. Great artists expose themselves to as wide a variety of work as they can, regardless of whether or not they see an immediate practical use for it. In this episode of Animated Discussions, Animation Resources Programming Director Davey Jarrell interviews Board Member Taber Dunipace and President Stephen Worth on how to use reference for both practical purposes and for feeding your creative spirit.

MP3 Audio File / 1:33:32 / 57 MB Download

Using Live Action Reference
Animated Discussions 006 / Hosted by Davey Jarrell with Stephen Worth
All animators are inspired by animation. But how many are inspired by live action? While there’s a seemingly infinite variety of styles in live action, animation tends to stick to the same few kinds of films. In this new episode of Animated Discussions, Director of Programming Davey Jarrell and President Stephen Worth discuss the ways in which live action can be used as an influence to create new kinds of animation.

MP3 Audio File / 1:08:27 / 131 MB Download

DOCUMENTARY: Visions Of Light

MP4 Video File / 1:30:00 / 1.07 GB Download

ARTICLE: Cinematography For Animators
Advice From An Educator
Animated Discussions 005 / Hosted by Davey Jarrell with Taber Dunipace
Do you ever wonder what your animation teachers are thinking? Taber Dunipace is an educator who is willing to speak frankly about what works and what doesn’t for students looking to become an animation artist. We were lucky enough to be able interview Taber recently about the biggest misconceptions students have about the industry, how to make the most out of your education, and the transition from being a student to professional. His advice is invaluable. In this episode of Animated Discussions, Animation Resources Director of Programming Davey Jarrell is joined by animation educator and Animation Resources Board member Taber Dunipace.

MP3 Audio File / 1:12:19 / 80 MB Download
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Joe Murray Interview
Animated Discussions 004 / Hosted by Davey Jarrell
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Joe Murray is the creator and producer of the TV shows Rocko’s Modern Life, Camp Lazlo, and Let’s Go Luna!, and is the author of the book Creating Animated Cartoons with Character. He has also worked many years as an independent animator and children’s book illustrator. Even when working for big studios, all of his shows maintain his signature style and unique worldview. Find out what inspires Joe, how he creates characters, and who his biggest influences are this episode of Animated Discussions.

MP3 Audio File / 49:39 / 72 MB Download
Different Artists, Different Paths
Animated Discussions 003 / Davey Jarrell & Stephen Worth
There are as many different paths to success as there are different artists. How does a young artist go about charting a course to find his own way in the artistic world? That is the subject of the third podcast in our “Animated Discussions” series. Animation Resources’ Director of Programming Davey Jarrell and President Stephen Worth are the hosts.

MP3 Audio File / 1:11:31 / 137 MB Download
Chuck Jones Bar Sheets
“How The Grinch Stole Christmas” (1966)
Animation Resources is proud to share with its members our most ambitious project to date— a podcast detailing the timing techniques used to make the Chuck Jones television special “How The Grinch Stole Christmas”. Chuck Jones was a master at controlling the pacing of the action for every single frame of his films. The method of timing cartoons in the golden age of animation is nothing like the way it is done today. We think you will learn a lot from this research, and perhaps discover some techniques to improve the timing of your own projects. Animation Resources would like to thank Doug Ward and the family of Dan McLaughlin for sharing this important set of documents with us.

AD002: Chuck Jones Bar Sheets

MP3 Audio File / 58:13 / 70 MB Download

E-Book: Chuck Jones Bar Sheets

Adobe PDF File / 74 Pages / 555 MB Download

MP4 Video File / HD Widescreen / 25:55 / 1.19 GB Download
The Saw Mill
Larry Semon / 1922
Golden age animators studied silent films to learn staging, posing, timing and comic action from the masters of slapstick comedy. Animation Resources Vice President, Taber Dunipace is joined by Stephen Worth in an “Animated Discussion” analyzing Larry Semon’s “The Saw Mill” (1922).

AD001: The Saw Mill

MP3 File / 48:02 / 74 MB Download

Film: The Saw Mill (1922)

M4V File / SD / 25:18 / 249 MB Download
Previous Podcasts
VIDEO SEMINAR 001: BG Layouts By Nestor Redondo
YouTube / 720p HD / 2:00:00
ANIMATION INTERVIEW 001: Andrew Chesworth
MP4 Video File / SD / 58:46 / 1.2 GB Download
LESSON 001: Warming Up Exercises
MP4 Video File / 1:05:36 / 1.3 GB Download
Public Podcasts
A limited number of our podcasts are available to the general public. Here is an archive of those posts.
Members Update 003: RefPack048 Review
Members Update 002: Students Are You Doing What You Need To Establish A Career In Animation?
Members Update 001: Live Streaming Update / RefPack047
ARCHIVE 001: About Our Archive Database
BOOK LOOK 001: Taschen’s Disney Film Archive