Well, I’m glad she’s finally getting interested
in something besides running around with boys.
During the 1960s, Playboy magazine employed some of the best cartoonists around at the time… Eldon Dedini, Gahan Wilson, Phil Interlandi, Jack Cole, Doug Sneyd and Erich Sokol.
We start out with a biographical feature on the cartoonists who worked for Playboy in the mid-1960s.

Next up is a Sokol feature that highlights his remarkable ability to caricature…

Sokol was arguably the most gifted artist who ever worked for Playboy, with a keen eye for all of the elements of good drawing- composition, clear silhouettes, original color harmonies, interesting staging and a keen sense of light and shade. There’s a lot to be learned from these masterful cartoons. His style evolved as time went by, and his images became more and more beautiful. This group of cartoons is arranged in a more or less chronological manner. Compare the first one from the mid-1950s to the last one from a decade later, and you’ll see how much he progressed…

Well, how do you like married life so far?

I came up to complain about the noise.

What the hell kind of pacifist are you?

Take off your clothes… take off your clothes!
My goodness, don’t men ever think about anything else?

Mother will be disappointed if you don’t come in for at least
a few minutes, George. She’s expecting to meet you tonight.

You got the part.
Now would you care to try for an Academy Award?

You’re welcome.

You were wrong…. I’m NOT old enough to take care of himself.

I believe the new nurse is going to do wonders for him.
He’s already learned to count to two…

Tuck my shirt into WHAT shorts?

Why don’t you bug out now and I’ll call you Friday.
