4:30pm PST Live Streaming Page
6:30pm PST Discord Server

The highlight of Reference Pack 056 is a video seminar hosted by Davey Jarrell and Stephen Worth titled "Acting For Animation". We have been working on this seminar for years, and have presented it at several art schools and universities. We’ve recorded it on video now so we can share it with you.
If you are a member of Animation Resources, login now to download this program.
If you’re not a member yet, this program alone is worth the cost of the annual dues. JOIN now.
If you are not a member and would like to see this program, mark your calendar for February 25th at 4pm (PST). We will be presenting it free one time simultaneously on our live streaming page, and on our Discord Server. This seminar includes many clips illustrating the points being made. It cannot be shared on YouTube or social media. The only place to see it is on the Animation Resources website.

Animators have been referred to as "actors with a pencil," but most classes in animation and articles on technique deal more with the pencil mileage than acting. In this episode of Animated Discussions we set out to change that. What *is* acting anyway? What constitutes *good* acting? Is acting the same in live action as it is in animation? How does an animator put across personality and action through acting? We’ll be addressing those questions and many more.
In the ten short years between "Steamboat Willie" and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs the Disney Studios advanced the art and technique of animation at a rapid rate of speed. This progress has been widely credited to the work of Don Graham. He instituted a series of action analysis meetings where live action films were broken down and studied, and animated films would be critiqued to determine what worked well and what could be improved upon. In this video seminar, Storyboard Artist Davey Jarrell and Animation Producer Stephen Worth will be channelling the spirit of Don Graham to present an action analysis class on "Acting for Animation".

Animation Resources is hosting monthly events on its Discord server. Join us to participate in discussions and network with fellow artists from all over the world. On February 25th, the doors open at 4:00 pm (PDT) and the program begins at 4:30 pm.
Join Animation Resources Board Member Davey Jarrell and Stephen Worth on Sunday, February 25th on Discord for a two hour video seminar on acting followed by a question and answer session. Doors open at 4:00 PDT and the program starts at 4:30 PDT!

At The Animation Resources Discord Server
Animation Resources Live Stream Page
SUNDAY FEBRUARY 25th, 2024 4:30 pm (PDT)
Hey Davey! Just wanted to say that acting seminar you and Steve did is one of the most inspiring videos I’ve watched in a long time. It got my brain whizzing a million miles a second, especially at the end comparing 20th Century to Scribners animation. I felt like I unlocked another understanding of a sequence I thought I had known well.
Animation Resources is one of the best kept secrets in the world of cartooning. Every month, we sponsor a program of interest to artists, and every other month, we share a book and up to an hour of rare animation with our members. If you are a creative person interested in the fields of animation, cartooning or illustration, you should be a member of Animation Resources!
Davey Jarell is a member of the Board of Directors of Animation Resources. He is a professional storyboard artist for television and acts as our Director of Programs.
Stephen Worth is an animation producer with nearly four decades of experience. He is also the President of Animation Resources.
Discord is a free chat app that supports video, voice chat and text chat. Discord servers are divided into channels, which all have their own subject or theme of discussion. Members are assigned roles which helps everyone keep track of who’s who. The Animation Resources Discord channel is a virtual meeting place for our supporters. You can meet other Animation Resources members, talk with the people behind the scenes at our organization, and attend lectures and screenings— all without leaving your home. It’s free and open to everyone in the creative community. If you’d like more info on how Discord works, see this article: What is Discord?
Here’s how to install the Discord app and login to the Animation Resources Discord Server:
1. INSTALL DISCORD- iPhone or Android: Download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store and install.
- Desktop: You can access Discord for your Mac or PC from You can choose to download and install the free Discord app, or enter our channel directly using your web browser.
2. CREATE AN ACCOUNT- Just follow the prompts to create your own login account.
3. JOIN THE ANIMATION RESOURCES CHANNEL- Click the plus sign to the right of the app and select "JOIN A SERVER".
- Enter this invite code: vES5YsV
4. YOU’RE THERE!- Take a moment to look around, read the rules and introduce yourself.
The Animation Resources Discord Server is open to the public right now. Pop in and look around, and make a point to visit on Sunday!

For the past decade, Animation Resources has been serving artists working in the fields of animation, cartooning and illustration. Our volunteers and members have pulled together to raise the bar for our art form, and it’s time to celebrate… It’s Members Appreciation time again!
During the month of February, Animation Resources expresses our appreciation for to members with a very special Reference Pack, and we invite you to become a member too. For the next 30 days, we will be sharing reasons why you should join us. Our benefits of membership far exceed the cost of our annual dues.

This year, we are trying something new to encourage new memberships. You can join for a one week trial membership for only A DOLLAR! Yes, you get access to everything our annual members get for seven days for only a buck. (Click here for the details on our Dollar Days.) What are you waiting for?
You can find out what our members get at the Member Appreciation Page. It’s easy to join. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online…

Animation Resources depends on your contributions to support its projects. Even if you can’t afford to join our group right now, please click the button below to donate whatever you can afford using PayPal.
