Archive for the ‘Inbetweens’ Category

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Inbetweens: Milt Kahl’s Version Of Captain Hook

Deja View Milt Kahl Captain Hook

Today on his blog Deja View, Andreas Deja shares some concept sketches of Captain Hook by Milt Kahl.

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Monday, February 20th, 2012

Inbetweens: Donald Duck in The Autograph Hound (1939)

The Autograph Hound 1939 Donald Duck

Donald Duck in “The Autograph Hound” (1939) at YouTube

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Thursday, February 9th, 2012

Inbetweens: Bambi at Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Animation Backgrounds

Find lots more amazing paintings at Animation Backgrounds

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