Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Sunday, October 18th, 2015

Inbetweens: Eddie Fitzgerald on German Cartoonists


“Cartooning is in trouble, not just animation. Look at what’s in the newspapers these days. Where are the comic books, the mass market sports and theater caricatures, book illustrations, etc.?

I simply refuse to let cartooning die on my watch. An artform that’s roughly 160 years old, that has a great tradition, and which is so artistically satisfying and so cheap and accessible to the common man, shouldn’t be allowed to wither on the vine. Losing cartoons and cartooning is like losing dance or music or architecture.

Cartoonists who came before us kept the industry alive and healthy for us, now it’s our responsibility to keep it alive and healthy for the people who come after us.” –Eddie Fitzgerald


At his blog Uncle Eddie’s Theory Corner cartoonist Eddie Fitzgerald delves into the history of cartooning to bring us important names that should be part of every artists reference pool.

Uncle Eddie: Funny German Cartoonists

-Nicholas John Pozega

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Friday, May 1st, 2015

MEMBERS ONLY: Last Call For The Current RefPack

Calling All Animation Resources Members! This is the last call for members to download the current Reference Pack. The H. M. Bateman E-Book, the Jugend Bonus E-Book, the Tuberculosis Industrial Film and the Cereal Commercials Reel will be replaced with a new Reference Pack the first week in May. Don’t wait. When it’s gone, it’s gone.

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Monday, January 12th, 2015

MEMBERS ONLY: Jugend Challenge

Jugend Magazine

We just received a bound volume of the German art nouveau magazine, Jugend. It covers the first six months in 1918. Jugend was one of the most influential illustrated magazines of its day, packed with amazing art, illustration and cartooning. I am going to offer the readers of this site a little challenge.

Jugend Magazine

I will create a BONUS e-book with all of the major images in this book. It will be about 120 pages. As soon as Animation Resources reaches 50 members, I will make this book available as a free bonus to our membership. If you haven’t joined yet, now is a good time to do that. If you have already joined, encourage your friends and co-workers to join. That way, everyone will get a chance to see the amazing illustrations in this book.

Jugend Magazine

I will have more info on Jugend for you when we reach 50 members. Thanks!

JOIN TODAY To Access Members Only Content

Jugend Magazine

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