August 29th, 2022

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Members Update: Sunday 9/4 Our Very First Live Stream!

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Animation Resources Live Streaming Project

Animation Resources is hosting regularly scheduled events LIVE on its Streaming Page. Join us every month to find out what’s happening at Animation Resources.


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Animation Resources
On The Animation Resources Live Stream Page
(Also Facebook and YouTube)
SUNDAY, SEPT 4th, 2022 5:00 pm (PDT)

Our schedule of monthly live streamed programs under the banner Members Update launches Sunday, September 4th!

It’s the beginning of a new era at Animation Resources… We now have our own live streaming server! Don’t miss our inaugural program. Join us as we kick the tires and work out the bugs and we’ll let you know the exciting plans for our podcasting project in the coming year.

We’ll also catch up on the latest Animation Resources reference pack, which is chock full of more rare educational content than any reference pack to date. It features an e-book on the work of Bruce Bairnsfather, a 1950s animated commercial reel, an assortment of international cartoons, frame by frame breakdowns of classic Warner Brothers cartoons, a live-action wordless horror film, and an interview with legendary animator Lenord Robinson. We’ll be screening a rare UPA cartoon too!

Join Animation Resources Director of Programming Davey Jarrell, Director of Publications David Eisman, and President Stephen Worth in the very first Members Update live stream on Sunday, September 4th at 5:00pm (PDT).


Davey Jarell is a member of the Board of Directors of Animation Resources. He is a professional storyboard artist for television and acts as our Director of Programs.

Stephen Worth has been producing animation for over 30 years. He is the President of Animation Resources.

David Eisman is an Animatic Editor who serves as the Director of Podcasting Events on the Board of Directors of Animation Resources.


Animation Resources proudly presents its Live Streaming Project. Over the coming months, we will be presenting live chats, interviews, screenings and seminars. These programs will be open to the public on the date and time indicated. They will not be publicly archived. Archives of the programs will only be available to the members of Animation Resources on the Members Only page. If you miss the program, you’ve missed it, so set your calendar and join us at one of our live stream locations…

Animation Resources Live Stream Page (Primary Stream)
Also Facebook & YouTube

Animation Resources is one of the best kept secrets in the world of cartooning. Every month, we sponsor a program of interest to artists, and every other month, we share a book and up to an hour of rare animation with our members. If you are a creative person interested in the fields of animation, cartooning or illustration, you should be a member of Animation Resources!

It’s easy to join Animation Resources. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online…


PayPalAnimationAnimation Resources depends on your contributions to support its projects. Even if you can’t afford to join our group right now, please click the button below to donate whatever you can afford using PayPal.

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 12:00 pm

August 24th, 2022

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Theory: Olaf Gulbransson And The Magic of Drawing

Magic Poster

The average person who looks at a drawing doesn’t see the thought process that goes into creating it. He just sees the image. If you don’t understand the principles that go into organizing a piece of art, the act of drawing appears to be magic. That’s why moronic displays like this continue to amaze non-artists…

Any artist knows what’s going on here. The performer has simply memorized a formula that he’s playing back along with plenty of empty flourishes and simulated drama. No thought process is going on. It’s just spitting out a predetermined image in a way that impresses people who have no clue about how real paintings are created. It’s just a simple magic trick, and it’s only amazing if you don’t know how the trick is done.

Stage magic is an art form, not unlike drawing and painting in some ways. The difference between mediocre magicians and great ones isn’t the cleverness of their “tricks”… it’s the quality of their application of the fundamental techniques of magic. These principles are organized to create a convincing illusion. Here is a wonderful example of that concept in action, by the brilliant magician, Teller…

Teller’s partner, Penn Jilette narrates the fundamental principles of magic that Teller is employing to create a magical illusion of normalcy. The average person viewing these actions on the street might not see anything out of the ordinary; but when we know what’s going on, it becomes amazing. Knowing how the trick works makes the magic more amazing, not less. That’s REAL magic.

The audience is as much responsible for the effectiveness of the illusion as the performer. A skilled magician leads the viewer through a series of actions which set up a certain expectation. When something completely different happens, it seems like magic. But without the expectation, the magic would dissolve into simple random occurrences. In this next clip, Penn & Teller reveal all their secrets and still manage to create a mystifying illusion. We can see how it’s being done with our own eyes, but Penn & Teller’s compelling direction of the action and our own expectations are so strong, we’re still surprised.

It isn’t the trick… it’s the skill with which the fundamental principles are applied to create an illusion. Truly great drawing is like that.

Olaf Gulbransson

I’m going to introduce you to one of the most magical cartoonists who ever lived. Odds are, you’ve never heard of him. His name was Olaf Gulbransson, and he was a cartoonist for the German satirical magazine Simplicissimus between the early years of the 20th century and the second World War. I’ll have more biographical information on him in a later post. But today, I want to get straight to showing you his amazing drawings.

Gulbransson’s sketches are simple line drawings… but they are deceptively simple. The images have been refined down to a few quick lines, but their simplicity and directness masks a depth of thought and planning that is almost superhuman. Here are a few sketches from Gulbransson’s Spruche und Wahrheiten (Sayings and Truisms) from 1939.

Olaf Gulbransson

Olaf Gulbransson

In art, he who is not the best is nothing.

In the cartoon above, notice how a single line defines the right cuff, elbow, arm, shoulderblade and fabric tension. It is very difficult to depict a strong pose from the rear- especially when draped in a long heavy coat. But Gulbransson pulls it off dramatically in a few sweeping lines.

Olaf Gulbransson

The full belly does not recognize the empty belly.

He is a master of exaggeration and caricature.

Olaf Gulbransson

More die in the bottle than the war.

Notice how he depicts the weight of the bodies lying on the ground, along with the pull and drape of the clothing covering them. The characters are grouped into a visual hierarchy, directing the eye from the foreground up to the drunks inside the stein at the top. Even though the shapes are open and plain, the volumetric structure is clearly defined. Some artists would render an image like this out with hatching, shading and lots of detail, but Gulbransson pulls it off with a remarkable economy of line.

Olaf Gulbransson

There’s no fool like an old fool.

A single line defines a silhouette, frames a character and leads the eye through the composition. The specific attitude of the characters and the stark contrast between their sizes enhances the irony of the caption.

Olaf Gulbransson

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Look at all those appealing organic shapes! Again, the contrast in scale puts across the humor in the caption.

Olaf Gulbransson

In the home, usually the chicken crows and the rooster clucks.

Complementary lines of action, solid drawing, specific attitudes, strong poses, beautiful negative spaces, clear silhouettes…

Olaf Gulbransson

The lazy and the idle are like brothers.

…rhythmic line, texture, personality…

Olaf Gulbransson

A man is judged by his actions.

…clear staging, line of action, flowing shapes…

Olaf Gulbransson

When we bathe, we’re all equal.

…keen observation of real life, contrasts…

Olaf Gulbransson

The bloom must fade in time, but in the mind, the fruit never withers.

…and sophisticated interaction defining the relationship between characters. Gulbransson could do it all- sometimes he did it all in a single brilliant drawing like this one!

Olaf Gulbransson

Man thinks. God leads.

His compositions are powerful and unique…

Olaf Gulbransson

All’s well that ends well.

…and he has a clear point of view. Who else would depict life’s end with an angel lifting a baby off a chamber pot?!

mess of characters

The average person loves detail and complexity. It makes them feel like they’re getting their “money’s worth” from a drawing. But to me, putting everything across with simplicity is even more amazing. The artist can’t hide behind details piled upon details, shading and cross hatching. His idea is presented naked and clear for the world to see. It’s like Penn & Teller doing the cups and balls with transparent cups. Real magic.

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources


This posting is part of a series of articles comprising an online exhibit entitled Theory.
Magazine CartoonsMagazine Cartoons

This posting is part of the online Encyclopedia of Cartooning under the subject heading, Magazine Cartoons.

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 12:59 pm

August 22nd, 2022

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Inbetweens: Wilhelm Busch’s “Returning Home After New Year’s Eve” 1865

Another gem by Wilhelm Busch from Andy’s Early Comic Archive

Wilhelm Busch New Year's Eve
Wilhelm Busch New Year's Eve
Wilhelm Busch New Year's Eve
Wilhelm Busch New Year's Eve

If you liked this, see also Wilhelm Busch’s "The Virtuoso" 1865.

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 1:57 pm