September 25th, 2023

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Podcast Interview

Books Shows Tunes and Mad Acts

A couple of months ago, I did an interview with Jennifer Crittenden’s creative podcast "Books, Shows, Tunes and Mad Acts". (I probably fit into that last category!) Bill Aho was on board too, and it was a lot of fun and the podcast is well worth checking out. Enjoy!

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 3:02 pm

September 25th, 2023

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Inbetweens: Harvery Kurtzman’s Hey Look Comics

Harvey Kurtzman’s “Hey Look” is one of the stylistically most pure comics ever made. Every panel is a jewel of composition, posing and simplicity. But don’t take my word for it. Here is a sampling of “Hey Look” comics culled from around the web…

Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics
Kurtzman Hey Look Comics

Harvey Kurtzman Book

If you don’t already have it, rush right out now and get The Art of Harvey Kurtzman: The Mad Genius of Comics. Kurtzman was one of the most important artists in the entire history of cartooning. His influence is felt far and wide, not just for great comics like “Hey Look”, but for the EC horror comics, Mad Magazine and Playboy’s “Little Annie Fanny”. Every cartoonist should have this book.

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 11:21 am

September 22nd, 2023

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Inbetweens: EC Horror Comics Covers

The EC Horror line (Tales From The Crypt, Haunt of Fear, Vault of Horror) had one of the most talented artistic staffs ever to work in comics… Wally Wood, Jack Davis, Harvey Kurtzman, Will Elder, John Severin… the list goes on and on. These are among the best drawn comic books ever created. Here is a gallery of covers for you to peruse…

This week, Eddie Fitzgerald has been discussing Wally Wood’s work for EC on his blog, “Uncle Eddie’s Theory Corner”. These two posts are well worth reading…


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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 11:44 am