Animation Resources is shouting out a big THANK YOU to our members, volunteers and fans. We are celebrating two big milestones… our 10th anniversary as a membership organization, and our 50th Reference Pack. To thank the people who have helped us get this far, we’re pulling out all the stops to create the best RefPack EVER! It includes the best e-books and videos from our past 50 RefPacks, and a massive podcast that charts hundreds of years of cartooning in both the West and Japan. Please tell your friends about Animation Resources. The Best of E-Books and Best of Videos will be available for anyone to download, and we will be live streaming the podcast a dozen times over the next month. Spread the word! More members mean we can provide more treasures to our members!

Best of The E-Books
A Sampler of the First 10 Years of RefPack E-Books
The creative world of animation has its roots in the art of cartooning, and the history of cartooning extends back centuries. Over the past decade, Animation Resources’ e-books have included thousands of pages of classic cartooning, illustration and art instruction, ranging from 16th century woodblocks to newspaper comics from the 1920s, to powerful political cartoons from around the world, to complete courses teaching the fundamentals of cartooning and caricature… all designed to broaden the horizons of both professional and student artists.

Click the link to go to the Public Download Page
Best of Videos 1 to 50
Sampler Reels of the First 10 Years of RefPack Animation Videos
Some people are under the mistaken impression that animation is a genre, best suited for children’s cartoons. They think that specific established styles and techniques are the only way cartoons should look. It’s easy even for animators to fall into the trap of making cartoons that look just like all the other cartoons on TV and in theaters. But Animation Resources encourages film makers to think of animation as a medium, capable of breaking new ground by doing innovative and great things. We encourage our members to think outside the box by sharing unique examples of powerful animated film making that exploit the best aspects of the medium.

Click the link to go to the Public Download Page
PLEASE NOTE: These video files are large. Please download them one at a time to avoid timeouts.

As a special thank you to our annual General and Student members, we have created a special page where we will archive past Reference Packs. There will be a new rerun of a complete RefPack between the new ones.
If you are currently on a quarterly membership plan, consider upgrading to an annual membership to get access to our bonus page with even more downloads. If you still have time on you quarterly membership when you upgrade to an annual membership, email us at…

…and we will credit your membership with the additional time.

Available to Student and General Members
ANIMATION RESOURCES ANNUAL MEMBERS: Reference Pack 019 is now being rerun and is now available for download. It includes a PDF e-book of a rare book of grotesque caricatures by Gustave Dore, a Famous Studios Popeye cartoon in high definition, and two wonderful stop motion films by Charlie Bowers! These downloads will be available until March 1st and after that, they will be deleted from the server. So download them now!
Click to access the…

Downloads expire after March 1st, 2023

More members mean we can bring you more special downloads.

Animation Resources has embarked on a podcasting series with informal screenings, interviews and seminars. Check back to this page regularly for the latest episodes.
History Of Cartooning From East To West
Animated Discussions 010 / Hosted by Davey Jarrell with Stephen Worth, Danny Young & Michael Woodside
Have you ever dreamed of traveling the world and going back in time in a time machine to find out when cartoons began? Well climb aboard this very special episode of Animated Discussions. We’re going to do just that!
Animation Resources’ Programming Director, Davey Jarrell hosts a broad reaching look at the history of cartooning in both the Western world and Asia. Nearly two decades in the making, this podcast is perhaps the most important resource we’ve ever shared. Along with Danny Young and Michael Woodside, Animation Resources president, Stephen Worth traces the breadcrumbs of cartoon history back from the present day to the 15th century… and then with the help of Davey Jarrell, Stephen traces the history of Japanese cartooning from the 12th century back up to the present day.
By tracing the branches of history, we can see the outlines of what cartooning is and where it came from. Best of all, learning about the artists from the past will inspire cartoonists to take back their art form and build on the incredible foundation they built for us.
You won’t want to miss this podcast. Take notes and google names you hear us talk about. You’ll find lots of wonderful things to research that will change the way you think about cartooning.

Click the link to go to the Members Only Download Page
It’s Members Appreciation Time again at Animation Resources, and For the past decade, Animation Resources has been serving artists working in the fields of animation, cartooning and illustration. Our volunteers and members have pulled together to raise the bar for our art form, and it’s time to celebrate… It’s Members Appreciation time again!
During the month of February, Animation Resources expresses our appreciation for to members with a very special Reference Pack, and we invite you to become a member too. For the next 30 days, we will be sharing reasons why you should join us. Our benefits of membership far exceed the cost of our annual dues. You can find out what our members get at the Member Appreciation Page. It’s easy to join. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online…
Animation Resources depends on your contributions to support its projects. Even if you can’t afford to join our group right now, please click the button below to donate whatever you can afford using PayPal.