Archive for the ‘disney’ Category

Friday, February 3rd, 2023

Magazine Cartoons: The Father of the Disney Style- T. S. Sullivant

T S Sullivant

T S SullivantT S SullivantT. S. Sullivant is one of the most important cartoonists in the history of the medium. He pioneered many of the elements of anthropomorphism that we now take for granted. The general public may not be familiar with his name, but animators sure appreciate his work. (See Eddie Fitzgerald’s first article on Sullivant and his second. Also see, Andreas Deja’s blog… T.S. Sullivant Part One and Part Two) The influence of Sullivant’s animals (along with the work of Heinrich Kley…) can be seen in many of the Disney features.

Sullivant was born in 1854, and didn’t begin cartooning professionally until the age of 32. His cartoons appeared in Life and Puck during the 1890s, and in Judge around the turn of the century. William Randolph Hearst signed him to an exclusive contract in 1904, and his mastheads populated by cartoony animals appeared on the top of the Hearst comics pages until 1907. Sullivant returned to Life magazine in 1911, and remained there until his death in 1926.

Sullivant’s pen and ink style doesn’t really suit itself for reproduction on a computer screen, but I have made large versions available of all of these images. Just click on the picture to see it larger.

T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant
T S Sullivant

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Wednesday, February 1st, 2023

Animation: Casey Strikes Out In Coronet Magazine

Illustration in Coronet Magazine

Today, we present another batch of illustration from late 40s Coronet magazines, including work by Douglass Crockett and Vera Bock. Last time, we featured Bugs Bunny. Today, it’s Casey At The Bat. Enjoy!

Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine

Illustration in Coronet Magazine


Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine
Illustration in Coronet Magazine

Casey At The Bat at YouTube

Thanks to Rich Borowy for sharing these great vintage Coronet magazines with us.

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources


This posting is part of a series of articles comprising an online exhibit spotlighting Illustration.
Animated CartoonsAnimated Cartoons

This posting is part of the online Encyclopedia of Cartooning under the subject heading, Animation.

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Wednesday, January 25th, 2023

Animation History: The Building Of The Disney Studio

Valley Progress: Disney Comes To The Valley

Among the collection of Clair Weeks was a publication from 1939 dealing with the construction of Disney’s studio in Burbank. It’s a fascinating look at the way the Disney operation was structured at the peak of its success. The end of the article is taken up with a detailed description of the production process at Disney. (Note: There’s an error in the order of the steps in the section on story- the script was transcribed from the storyboard, not the other way around. And they discuss voice recording out of sequence as well.)

Valley Progress: Disney Comes To The Valley
Valley Progress: Disney Comes To The Valley
Valley Progress: Disney Comes To The Valley
Valley Progress: Disney Comes To The Valley

Now that you’ve read the article, click on these images to see Hans Perk’s AFilm LA for more info on the Burbank lot…

Valley Progress: Disney Comes To The Valley

Aerial view of Burbank before Disney’s studio is built.

Valley Progress: Disney Comes To The Valley

Aerial view of the Disney studio.

Valley Progress: Disney Comes To The Valley

Helen Jordan’s photos of the studio under construction.

Valley Progress: Disney Comes To The Valley

The newly completed animation building in 1939.

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources

Animated CartoonsAnimated Cartoons

This posting is part of the online Encyclopedia of Cartooning under the subject heading, Animation.

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