We’ve reached the conclusion of our 2023 Animation Resources Members Appreciation Month. I’d like to thank all of the loyal members who resubscribed for 2023, and I’d like to welcome all of the new members who joined in the past few weeks. We are very fortunate to have so many faithful supporters.
Our members stick with us. Very few people who stepped up to support us when we started ten years ago have fallen away. Our membership is steadily growing. That really tells us that we are making a difference for you. We greatly appreciate your faith in us.
Animation Resources is an organization run BY artists FOR artists. That’s what makes it so unique. There are plenty of groups related to the animation BUSINESS, but we are entirely focused on the ART of animation. No corporation is subsidizing the dues of our members. Our members reach into their own pockets to support us because they believe in what we’re doing. Together, we’ll work to reinvigorate animation one artist at a time. Stronger artists mean a stronger artform. Just returning to the “golden age” isn’t good enough… Let’s invest in our own creativity to build a future that is MORE exciting, entertaining and expressive than ever before.
Volunteers are the heart of any great non-profit group, and Animation Resources is lucky to have a wonderful group of people coordinating our social media, running the scanner and cataloguing the collection. All of us owe them a great debt of gratitude for their generosity and hard work.
If you aren’t a member yet, please JOIN. We will leave all the downloads up through the weekend. If you are a member share how great Animation Resources is with your friends and peers. More members mean we can bring you more useful material for your self-study.
With the bi-monthly Reference Packs curated by our Board, the Bonus Archive and the podcasts, you will have a great start at building a personal library of reference material that will serve you for your entire artistic career… and it’s a drop dead bargain. But the best part is that you’ll be supporting a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is run by artists and for artists. If you are a creative person, you should be a member of Animation Resources. You owe it to yourself and your muse.
Not Convinced Yet? Check out this SAMPLE REFERENCE PACK! It will give you a taste of what Animation Resources members get to download every other month! That’s 560 pages of great high resolution images and nearly an hour of rare animation available to everyone to download for FREE!
Animation Resources depends on your contributions to support its projects. Even if you can’t afford to join our group right now, please click the button below to donate whatever you can afford using PayPal.