December 6th, 2023

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LAST CHANCE! REFPACK054: A Peek At The Early Anime Downloads

People who aren’t members of Animation Resources don’t understand how comprehensive our Reference Packs are. Over a couple of weeks, we are posting what each section of our current RefPack looks like. Today we are sharing the Early Anime section. If you are a member of Animation Resources, click on this post to go to the Members Only page. If you aren’t a member yet, today is the perfect time to join! Our current Reference Pack is one of our best yet, and General and Student Members get access to a special Bonus Archive with even more material from past Reference Packs.

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Early Anime

Lately, Animation Resources board member JoJo Baptista has been researching the early history of Japanese animation. He has searched out video copies of 1960s anime to add to our Animation Archive. Over the past year, he has accumulated hundreds of hours of rare television programs. We will be will be sharing some of them with you in our Reference Packs. Our members have asked us to share complete films and publications with them, not excerpts, so we will be sharing complete half hour episodes with you. We don’t claim that everything here is great. But there are great bits. You can sift through them and discover the gems for yourself.

Tiger Mask

Tiger Mask
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Episodes 21 & 32 / 1969
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Tiger Mask was produced by Toei Animation running from October 2nd, 1969 to September 30th, 1971. The anime was based on the manga of the same name which began a year prior to the anime. It may be one of the first wrestling anime, preceded possibly by Animal 1, which was released the year before. Naoto Date, Tiger Mask’s true identity, is a mystery to Kenta, an orphan boy who religiously watches each of Tiger Mask’s bouts in the ring. He is seen in practically every episode cheering Tiger Mask on. However, it was because of Kenta that Naoto had a change of heart. Tiger Mask was once regarded as a ferocious heel in the ring, so much so, that he was regarded as a villain. Kenta wanted to idolize this behavior, but upon Naoto’s realization of this, he began to portray himself in a more positive light.

Tiger Mask

The series’ style is what makes it particularly unique. Its angular designs complemented by the jaggedness of the xerox copy technique transferred to cels lends itself the dynamism of the show. That’s particularly thanks to Keiichirou Kimura, who served as an animation director and character designer. I believe we presented some of his work when we featured Sabu and Ichi’s Detective Tales. His style is particularly unique to the rest of the series. He contributed a lot of animation this series as well, and it’s presumed this is some of his work during the slow motion at 21:12 in episode 21. The limited animation can be particularly strong when a combination of strong poses and timing are used. But admittedly, some of the timing can feel quite clunky in this show at times.

Tiger Mask

One aspect that keeps the show visually interesting is the variety of forced perspective shots. There are upshots and down shots, characters can be away from the camera or in the extreme foreground. Along with quick cutting, this keeps the momentum up and provides visual interest. You don’t notice that there is very little animation. Also, the posing is designed to convey complex action in a bare minimum number of frames. All of the drawings are keys. There are no in-betweens.


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Tiger Mask

A great cheat that is constantly utilized is portraying the wrestling ring as its own reality. The gradient backgrounds, painted with saturated colors are often used to avoid crowd shots. Also, it’s great for not having to avoid the change perspective of the environment when characters are jumping up high or landing. It helps draw attention to the action, and furthermore provides clarity without having to render out masses of crowds cheering behind the ring. At most you’ll get some "finger paint" type blurs or abstract art in the backgrounds to imply the heads of characters in the crowd. When crowds are shown however, they are separate with little to no animation at times.

Tiger Mask

One fun bit is the brief animatic section in episode 22 at 15:56. It’s obviously inspired by the 1960s Batman TV series. It even has the pop art bam shapes, wild 60s coloring and the signature "walking bass line" in the music.

Tiger Mask

In the 1970s, the crush of production necessitated a more "assembly line" approach to production and design. Instead of every show having its own style, the designs began to consolidate— character design, background design and effects animation became standardized. This made it easier for artists to move from show to show, because they didn’t have to learn a new style for every job they worked on. Formulas of how facial features, hair or proportions should be rendered saved time and streamlined the whole Japanese animation industry. While this allowed for the production of many more hours of animation to feed the demand, it took away some of the spontaneity and originality that had flourished in earlier years. Anime from the 80s and 90s is well known in the United States and it has been widely available here for many years, but the early shows from the 60s are very hard to find. These are the ones we will be focusing on in our Reference Packs.

REFPACK054: Tiger Mask Ep21
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MP4 Video File / SD / 23:51 / 261 MB Download

REFPACK054: Tiger Mask Ep32
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MP4 Video File / SD / 24:00 / 223 MB Download


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Animation Resources is one of the best kept secrets in the world of cartooning. Every month, we sponsor a program of interest to artists, and every other month, we share a book and up to an hour of rare animation with our members. If you are a creative person interested in the fields of animation, cartooning or illustration, you should be a member of Animation Resources!

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Fall is time to save when you join Animation Resources as a student member. For the next couple of weeks our Student Membership will be discounted to only $60/year! Best of all, you will continue to get that savings every year you renew as a student for up to three years. Yes, this applies to full time educators too. Why should you join? Each day we’ll be highlighting more reasons why you should be a member of Animation Resources. Bookmark us and check back every day.


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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 12:51 pm

December 5th, 2023

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LAST CHANCE! RefPack054: A Peek At The International Downloads

People who aren’t members of Animation Resources don’t understand how comprehensive our Reference Packs are. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be posting what each section of our current RefPack looks like. If you are a member of Animation Resources, click on this post to go to the Members Only page. If you aren’t a member yet, today is the perfect time to join! Our current Reference Pack is one of our best yet, and General and Student Members get access to a special Bonus Archive with even more material from past Reference Packs.

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International Animation

The world of animation is much bigger than it might appear to us at first glance. We are all familiar with the films we grew up with, but Hollywood wasn’t the only place that produced great cartoons… Poland, Japan, Russia, China and Europe all have their own traditions and a rich history of animated film making. Animation Resources’ archive contains many foreign films that are rarely seen in the United States. We feature a sampling of interesting animation from around the world in each Reference Pack.


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Princess Iron Fan

Princess Iron Fan
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The Wan Brothers / Shanghai, China / 1941
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The Wan Brothers (Wan Laiming, Vancomyein Toad, Wan Chaochen and Wan Dihuan) were born in Nanjing, on the banks of the Yangzi River. Their father, a businessman, expected them to learn a trade from books, so they could make a lot of money when they grew up. But their mother encouraged them to cut paper into the shapes of people and birds, and the sons enjoyed art more than book-learning. When they were young, they performed puppet shows with their paper-cut characters, based on a story from the four classic novels titled Journey to the West, the books that document the legendary Monkey King epic.

In 1916, the family moved to Shanghai. Wan Laiming took a job working for the Shanghai Commercial Press, and held positions in the Department of Fine Arts and the Department of Activities Movie Service starting in 1919. Inspired by American cartoons, China’s shadow puppet plays, and cinematic techniques he saw in live action films, Wan Laiming began making his own animated films.

Princess Iron Fan

The Wan Brothers were greatly impressed by the cartoons from America. In 1940, they began work on their own 8,000 foot, 80 minute long sound cartoon film, Tieshangongzhu (aka Princess Iron Fan). Produced in a single large room over the span of one year by 70 artists working in two shifts a day, this film lay a solid foundation for the Wan Brothers’ career in animation production. Twenty years later, they released a feature film based on another part of the Monkey King saga, Hue And Cry Over The Sky, and followed that up in 1964 with a third segment titled Big Trouble. The last two films were later screened together with an intermission and titled Havoc In Heaven.

Princess Iron Fan

The story line of Princess Iron Fan isn’t easy to translate, since it was so deeply rooted in Chinese folklore. But the basic story involves a beautiful demoness who is married to the Bull Demon King. Sun Wukong the Monkey King, is traveling and encounters The Flaming Mountains where he does battle with a fire demon and loses. He joins up with two pilgrims, a pig and a warrior, and they set out to borrow a magic banana leaf from the Princess. This banana leaf has the ability to summon huge winds, capable of extinguishing the flames. The Princess refuses to give the Monkey King the banana leaf fan, so he changes into a bug and hides in her drink. She swallows him and he proceeds to kick her in the guts until she agrees to give him the fan. She gives him a fake one that only fans the fire in the Flaming Mountains higher. The Monkey King barely survives and returns to Princess Iron Fan disguised as her husband, the Bull Demon. He tricks her into giving him the real fan. The real Bull Demon returns home, discovers the deception and does battle with the Monkey King. The Bull Demon is vanquished, the Flaming Mountains are put out, and the Monkey King forgives the Princess and returns the fan to her.

Now that you’ve read that story, try to imagine it animated in a combination of rotoscope and the surreal metamorphosis animation of the wildest Fleischer cartoons. This film is like no other you’ve ever seen. Our copy of it isn’t the best quality, but it may be all that remains of the pioneering animated feature.

REFPACK054: Princess Iron Fan 1941
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MP4 Video File / SD / 01:12:46 / 1,87 GB Download

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Bruno Bozetto

Mr. Rossi Buys A Car
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Bruno Bozzetto / Italy / 1967

Bruno Bozzetto is an Italian animator known for his parody of Fantasia titled Allegro Non Troppo. His other feature films include a superhero parody called VIP My Brother Superman and a spaghetti western parody titled West And Soda. Bozzetto’s work is often satirical and political in nature, championing the common man and lampooning government inefficiency and oppression.

Bruno Bozetto

Bozzetto’s most famous character is Signor Rossi, an everyman figure he featured in many animated shorts and three feature films, Mr. Rossi Looks For Happiness, Mr. Rossi’s Dreams, and Mr. Rossi’s Vacation. In the short film we are sharing today, Mr. Rossi buys a car which changes his entire demeanor from a normal calm individual to a speed demon burning with road rage.

Bruno Bozetto

Bozzetto’s work is not as well known in the United States as it should be, but it is recognized and appreciated across Europe. Recently, Animation Resources has been working to acquire more of his films for the Animation Archive, and we hope to share them with you in future Reference Packs. We think you’ll find a lot to inspire you in Bozzetto’s work.

REFPACK054: Mr Rossi Buys A Car 1967
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MP4 Video File / SD / 6:39 / 175 MB Download


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Happy Merry Go Round

Happy Merry-Go-Round Ep. 01
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Galina Barinova, Leonid Nosyrev, Anatoly Petrov, Gennady Sokolsky / Soyuzmultfilm / 1969

Happy Merry Go Round was a long-running series of films produced by Soyuzmultfilm. The intent was to provide a format for the directors there to create experimental films. There were ten episodes released theatrically between 1969 and 1978, and after that releases were sporadic. It transitioned to television and ran for 33 seasons up to 2001. In 2012, Happy Merry-Go-Round was revived.

Happy Merry Go Round

The episode we are sharing today is the first in the series. It includes four short films: "Mosaic" a film with animals designed in the form of mosaics, "Antoshka" a song about a lazy boy who refuses to dig potatoes, "Distracted Giovanni" a cartoon in the style of Ferdinand Lèger about a boy who loses his body parts, and "Well, Just You Wait!" the story of a wolf chasing a rabbit.

The premise of "Nu, Pogodi!" (which translates into English as "Well, Just You Wait!") was pitched by a writing team of satirical humorists to many directors at Soyuzmultfilm, but was rejected every time. Finally in 1969, Gennady Sokolsky agreed to direct a 2 1/2 minute pilot for this episode of Happy Merry Go Round. The general consensus at the studio was that the cartoon was "low class" and beneath the dignity of Soyuzmultfilm, but director Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin strongly believed in the concept, so the studio decided to take a chance and allow him to direct a few episodes… and then a few more… and then more. Kotyonochkin was proven correct. The cartoons were a huge success. Between 1969 and 2006, Soyuzmultfilm ended up making 22 episodes. In a 2014 poll of audiences all over Russia, "Well, Just You Wait!" was voted the most popular cartoon series of all time by a landslide.

Happy Merry Go Round

The Russian State Committee for Cinematography criticized Happy Merry-Go-Round for "using children’s cinema as a proving ground for abstract art", but critics praised it for its creative freedom and diversity of styles. A lot of young animators received their first opportunity to direct on the series, allowing them to develop a personal style before moving on to create their own series.

REFPACK054: Happy Merry-Go-Round Ep. 01
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MP4 Video File / SD / 9:51 / 233 MB Download


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Professor Balthazar

Professor Balthazar in “The Inventor Of Shoes”
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Zlatko Grgic / Zagreb Films, Croatia / 1967

In a previous Reference Pack we featured several Maxi-Cat mini-cartoons by Zlatko Grgic, a Croatian animator who later emigrated to Canada to join the Canadian Film Board.

Professor Balthazar

Grgic is best known for his series of cartoons featuring the character Professor Balthazar, an old man who solves problems for his friends by creating inventions with a magical machine. Produced between 1967 and 1973, the series ran all over the world. Its silent pantomime with voice over narration made it easy to translate to other countries. It aired everywhere from New Zealand to Romania to Zimbabwe. In the United States it was featured on Chuck Jones’ television program, Curiosity Shop.

Professor Balthazar

Altogether there were 59 episodes of Professor Balthazar produced between 1969 and 1978. We will be sharing more with you in upcoming Reference Packs.

REFPACK051: Professor Balthazar Ep. 03
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MP4 Video File / SD / 9:02 / 83 MB Download

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Animation Resources is one of the best kept secrets in the world of cartooning. Every month, we sponsor a program of interest to artists, and every other month, we share a book and up to an hour of rare animation with our members. If you are a creative person interested in the fields of animation, cartooning or illustration, you should be a member of Animation Resources!

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Student Membership Drive

Fall is time to save when you join Animation Resources as a student member. For the next couple of weeks our Student Membership will be discounted to only $60/year! Best of all, you will continue to get that savings every year you renew as a student for up to three years. Yes, this applies to full time educators too. Why should you join? Each day we’ll be highlighting more reasons why you should be a member of Animation Resources. Bookmark us and check back every day.


Discount Ends Nov. 6th!
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There’s no better way to feed your creativity than to be a member of Animation Resources. Every other month, we share a Reference Pack that is chock full of downloadable e-books and still framable videos designed to expand your horizons and blow your mind. It’s easy to join. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online.

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 1:02 pm

December 4th, 2023

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LAST CHANCE! RefPack054: A Peek At The Featured Downloads

People who aren’t members of Animation Resources don’t understand how comprehensive our Reference Packs are. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be posting what each section of our current RefPack looks like, starting today with the Featured section. If you are a member of Animation Resources, click on this post to go to the Members Only page. If you aren’t a member yet, today is the perfect time to join! Our current Reference Pack is one of our best yet, and General and Student Members get access to a special Bonus Archive with even more material from past Reference Packs.

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Reference Pack

Every other month, Animation Resources shares a new Reference Pack with its members. They consist of an e-book packed with high resolution scans and video downloads set up for still frame study. Make sure you download the Reference Pack before it’s updated. When it’s gone, it’s gone!


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REFPACK054: October / November 2023

Ollie Harrington

Ollie Harrington’s Bootsie
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Volume One
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Ollie Harrington was described by writer Langston Hughes as "America’s greatest African-American cartoonist". Born in Valhalla, New York in 1912, he began cartooning in the 6th grade, drawing caricatures of a racist teacher at his school. He graduated from DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx in 1929.

Ollie Harrington

Harrington became a well known figure in the Harlem Renaissance of the 1930s largely due to his single panel cartoons for the Amsterdam News under the title, "Dark Laughter". The cartoon featured a character named Bootsie that Harrington described as "a well-fed but soulful character".

Bootsie was a typical African American man dealing with life in Harlem. The cartoon often dealt with issues of racial inequality, segregation and poverty. On the basis of his work, Harrington was accepted at Yale to complete his degree, but World War II intervened. He chronicled the life of an African American aviator in a comic called "Jive Gray" for the next decade, along with continuing the adventures of Bootsie in "Dark Laughter".

Ollie Harrington

During the war, the Pittsburgh Courier sent Harrington to Europe to draw political cartoons about life of African American soldiers on the front lines. There he met Walter White who was the executive secretary of the NAACP.

After the war, Harrington went to work for White at the NAACP acting as the head of the organization’s public relations department. He developed a project about racial violence and lynchings in the post-WWII South that culminated in a book titled, Terror In Tennessee. Harrington was an outspoken critic of the federal government’s inaction in preventing and prosecuting racial violence. He criticized capitalism as well, and contributed cartoons to Adam Clayton Powell’s People’s Voice, a left wing newspaper known for its pro-communist contributors.

Ollie Harrington

Harrington’s activities resulted in run-ins with the FBI and the House Un-American Activities Committee. To escape the political pressure he was experiencing, Harrington relocated to Paris in 1951 to join a community of black writers and artists that had gravitated there. In Paris he reunited with another figure from the Harlem Renaissance, Richard Wright, who shared Harrington’s anger at racism and the American government. When Wright died in 1960, Harrington suspected that he had been assassinated by figures from the American Embassy. He defected to East Germany and received political asylum there. In East Germany, he contributed to both the Daily Worker and Eulenspiegel (see Animation Resources’ earlier e-book on this magazine).

Ollie Harrington

Harrington’s work is forceful and hard hitting without being didactic. Instead, it’s brutally honest, showing both the good and bad of life as a black man living in pre-Civil Rights era America. His character, Bootsie never spoke out himself or commented on what was going on around him. Instead the people around him revealed themselves by the way that they perceived him. I think you’ll find that a lot of the issues raised in these old cartoons are still a relevant part of our modern lives.

REFPACK054: Ollie Harrington Vol. 1
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PDF / 104 Pages / 363 MB Download


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John Sutherland

The Littlest Giant
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John Sutherland Productions (1957)

John Sutherland was born in North Dakota, the son of a bank president. Droughts caused local ranchers to default on their loans and the banks managed by Sutherland’s father went bankrupt. His family relocated to California, where John enrolled in UCLA, studying political science and economics. Contacts at UCLA put him in contact with Walt Disney, who hired him to work as an assistant director, which was basically a production job. Later, Sutherland was moved to the story department, where he worked with the artists there to write dialogue and prepare recording scripts. He is said to have provided the voice for adult Bambi, but he got no credit for his voice work.

Sutherland left Disney on good terms shortly before the strike, and Disney recommended him to Darryl Zanuck, the head of 20th Century Fox. Zanuck sent him to Washington D.C. to serve as a director and producer of military training films. For a while, he worked on both coasts, producing films for the Army and Navy, while developing feature projects in Hollywood. But when the United States entered the war, the Department of Defense guaranteed him enough work for him to produce films full time for the government.

John Sutherland

In 1945, Sutherland opened his own studio, producing animated short films for United Artists as well as industrial and propaganda films. Between 1945 and the mid-1960s, his studio averaged about twenty films a year, many of them financed by a grant from Alfred P. Sloan, the head of General Motors. These films promoted the values of capitalism and the American way of life. Other films were financed by large corporations, like General Electric and U.S. Steel.

Sutherland’s films had high production values thanks to the top artists that worked under him. Carl Urbano directed the film we are sharing here, with Victor Haboush providing the design. The animators on this short include George Cannata, Ken O’Brien and Tom Ray, and the music is by Eugene Poddany. That’s a staff that would be the envy of any major animation studio.

John Sutherland

In the past, Animation Resources has shared quite a few industrial films by Sutherland as well as Jam Handy, Paul Fennell and UPA. These films were intended to be shown to a specific audience at a particular place and time. They weren’t intended to be saved and re-distributed like entertainment films. Because of this, information on them is scarce, and many haven’t survived. We’re happy to be able to share this wonderful example with you in this Reference Pack.

REFPACK054: The Littlest Giant 1957
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MP4 Video File / SD / 12:14 / 179 MB Download

Many thanks to Steve Stanchfield from Thunderbean Animation for sharing this rare film with us.


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Animation Resources is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization dedicated to providing self study material to the worldwide animation community. Every month, we sponsor a program of interest to artists, and every other month, we share a book and up to an hour of rare animation with our members. If you are a creative person interested in the fields of animation, cartooning or illustration, you should be a member of Animation Resources!

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Fall is time to save when you join Animation Resources as a student member. For the next couple of weeks our Student Membership will be discounted to only $60/year! Best of all, you will continue to get that savings every year you renew as a student for up to three years. Yes, this applies to full time educators too. Why should you join? Each day we’ll be highlighting more reasons why you should be a member of Animation Resources. Bookmark us and check back every day.


Discount Ends Nov. 6th!
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There’s no better way to feed your creativity than to be a member of Animation Resources. Every other month, we share a Reference Pack that is chock full of downloadable e-books and still framable videos designed to expand your horizons and blow your mind. It’s easy to join. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online.

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 10:15 am