December 2nd, 2022

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RefPack048: A Library Of Great Reference To Download!

LAST CALL! RefPack048 will be replaced by RefPack049 soon. Download the current one while you can.

If you aren’t a member of Animation Resources yet, you can join today and download the current Reference Pack, and have a new one to download next week. JOIN Today! >

Reference Pack

Every other month, Animation Resources shares a new Reference Pack with its members. They consist of e-books packed with high resolution scans video downloads of rare animated films set up for still frame study, as well as podcasts and documentaries— all designed to help you become a better artist. Make sure you download this Reference Pack before it’s updated. When it’s gone, it’s gone!


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The latest Animation Resources Reference Pack has been uploaded to the server. Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll find when you log in to the members only page…

Irv Spector Coogy

Irv Spector’s Coogy
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Irv Spector was an animation story and layout artist who also worked in newspaper comics and comic books. Spector’s newspaper comic, Coogy is little known today, largely because of its limited distribution. This is a shame, because Coogy is an excellent comic, with brilliant compositions and great character posing and acting.

Cinemascope Cartoon

Two Cinemascope Cartoons
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Grand Canyonscope 1954 / No Hunting 1955

Film makers often take aspect ratios for granted, because most films are made with standard formats— the Academy aspect (similar to old school television) or 1.85 1 (the current standard for HD TV and movies). However there have been exceptions to these standards over the years, and each aspect has its own pluses and minuses. In this RefPack, we talk about two rare cartoons filmed in Cinemascope.


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Hans Fischerkoesen

Two Fischerkoesen Shorts
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Hans Fischerkoesen: Weathered Melody 1943 / The Snowman 1944 (Germany)

Hans Fischerkoesen was often referred to as "the Walt Disney of Germany". During the Nazi years, Hitler and Goebels ordered him to produce films that were technically the equal of those of the Disney Studios. The orders were backed by ample funding, and Fischerkoesen went to work on three animated films that would introduce the German animation industry to the world. We are sharing two of them in this RefPack.

Cipollino The Onion Boy

Cipollino: The Onion Boy
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Boris Dyozhkin / Soyuzmultfilm, Russia / 1961

The story of Cipollino, the Onion Boy began as a fairy tale in an Italian children’s magazine, and became well known in Russia, leading to an animated featurette and an opera. In the 1930s, Boris Dyozhkin broke with other Soviet artists who rejected the Western style, studying Fleischer and Disney films frame by frame to break down the techniques being used. His study led him to an unique understanding of the synchronization of rhythm between music and motion, which made him one of the most sought after timing directors at Soyuzmultfilm.

Well Just You Wait

Well, Just You Wait Ep.05
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Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin / Soyuzmultfilm, Russia / 1972

We continue the Russian series Nu, Pogodi! (Well, Just You Wait!) with episode 05, “City Streets: Metro”. In a 2014 poll of audiences all over Russia, Well, Just You Wait! was voted the most popular cartoon series of all time by a landslide. Although the series resembles both Tom & Jerry and the Roadrunner and Coyote series, the director, Kotyonochkin claimed not to have ever seen any of these Hollywood cartoons until 1987 when his son got a video tape recorder and Western tapes began to be imported.


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Zagreb Maxi Cat

Six Maxi Cat Mini Cartoons
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Zlatko Grgic / Zagreb Films, Croatia / 1971

Next up is a series of mini-cartoons from Zagreb. The animator and director of these mini-cartoons was Zlatko Grgic, a Croatian animator who later emigrated to Canada to join the Canadian Film Board. The cartoons are based on a simple premise or prop, and play off a simple sequence of gags building to a topper gag. There is no attempt at telling a story or conveying complex personality— just fun. They form a great model for students wanting to learn to animate.

Polish Animation

Cat And Mouse
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Wladyslaw Nehrebecki / Bielsko Biala Studio, Poland / 1958

Now we shift from Croatia to Poland. Clearly influenced by the films of UPA, "Cat And Mouse" skillfully juggles three of the fundamental elements of artistic rendering— line, shape and form. There’s a lot of fourth dimensional gags where one dimensional lines move alongside two dimensional flat shapes of color in three dimensional ways. This combines to create the best kind of cartoon magic.


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Hajime Ningen Gyatorz

Hajime Ningen Gyatorz
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Curated by JoJo Baptista
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Ep.36 / Ep.44 (1975)

Animation Resources Board Member JoJo Baptista curates another pair of half hour episodes from Japan with First Human Giatrus, an anime series from 1974, based on the manga by Shunji Sonoyama. The series follows the misadventures of a cave dwelling family set in the stone age. The animation studio behind the anime (Tokyo Movie) did their best to keep his style intact. There’s a note in the style guide to not draw the characters volumetrically, but rather in Sonoyama’s flat style. Lots of funny designs are to be found in this series, along with some simple but effective staging as well.

Keystone Comedy

Two Billy Bevan Keystone Comedies
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“She Sighs By The Seaside” 1921
“Lizzies Of The Field” 1924

Billy Bevan was a skilled pantomimist, and an integral part of the Mack Sennett troupe of silent comics. Even though Keystone introduced many comics that would go on to become famous, they generally didn’t reach their peak of fame at Keystone. This was due to Sennett’s focus on funny situations, rather than funny characters in his films. As you study these shorts, you’ll want to pay attention to the staging and timing rather than subtle acting or story construction. There are some brilliant action sequences here.


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Curated By David Eisman

David Eisman shares some breakdown clips with us this time on the subject of resistance. Resistance, like weight, is a crucial technique in the animator’s toolkit. Knowledge of the different categories will allow the animator to craft poses and sequences that best create the effect that the audience will recognize as the correct type of resistance.


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Lotte Reiniger

Annual Member Bonus Archive
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Available to Student and General Members

ANIMATION RESOURCES ANNUAL MEMBERS: Reference Pack 017 is now being rerun and is now available for download. It includes a PDF e-book of rare sports cartoons by Willard Mullin, two Cinemascope cartoons in their original aspect ratio (and high definition!) and a half hour of rare paper puppet films by Lotte Reiniger. These downloads will be available until December and after that, they will be deleted from the server. So download them now!

Willard Mullin

Click to access the…

Annual Member Bonus Archive
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Downloads expire after December 2022

Terry-Toons Cinemascope


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Whew! That is an amazing collection of treasures! At Animation Resources, our Advisory Board includes great artists and animators like Ralph Bakshi, Will Finn, J.J. Sedelmaier and Sherm Cohen. They’ve let us know the things that they use in their own self study so we can share them with you. That’s experience you just can’t find anywhere else. The most important information isn’t what you already know… It’s the information you should know about, but don’t know yet. We bring that to you every other month.

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Check out this SAMPLE REFERENCE PACK! It will give you a taste of what Animation Resources members get to download every other month!

Sample RefPack


Animation Resources is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization dedicated to providing self study material to the worldwide animation community. If you are a creative person working in animation, cartooning or illustration, you owe it to yourself to be a member of Animation Resources.


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Animation Resources is one of the best kept secrets in the world of cartooning. Every month, we sponsor a program of interest to artists, and every other month, we share a book and up to an hour of rare animation with our members. If you are a creative person interested in the fields of animation, cartooning or illustration, you should be a member of Animation Resources!

It’s easy to join Animation Resources. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online…


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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 11:27 am

December 1st, 2022

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Exhibit: A CAPPital Offense- Fearless Fosdick and the Poisoned Bean

Al Capp Fearless Fosdick

"They always want me to say who is the best writer in America today, and I can’t think of any name but Al Capp… One of the symptoms or diagnostics of literature should be that it is read, that it amuses, moves, instructs, changes and criticizes people. And who in the world does that more than Capp? I think Capp may very possibly be the best writer in the world today." -John Steinbeck, 1953

Al Capp Fearless Fosdick

PLAYBOY: John Steinbeck once described you as "possibly the best writer in the world today". What’s your reaction to that?

CAPP: I revere John Steinbeck far too deeply to question his literary judgment!" –Playboy Interview, 1965

Al Capp Fearless Fosdick

"Not many people know that I worked with Al Capp for a year at Terry-Toons on a cartoon adaptation of Fearless Fosdick. Capp is one of the great unsung heroes of comics. I’ve never heard anyone mention this, but Capp is 100% responsible for inspiring Harvey Kurtzman to create Mad magazine.

Just look at Fearless Fosdick- a brilliant parody of Dick Tracy with all those bullet holes and stuff. Then look at Mad’s "Teddy and the Pirates", "Superduperman" or even "Little Annie Fanny". Forget about it. Slam dunk. Not taking anything away from Kurtzman who was brilliant himself, but Capp was the source for that whole sense of satire in comics. Kurtzman carried that forward and passed it down to a whole new crop of cartoonists, myself included.

Capp was a genius. You wanna argue about it? I’ll fight ya, and I’ll win." -Ralph Bakshi, 2008

Al Capp Fearless Fosdick

Li’l Abner’s "ideel"- Fearless Fosdick– first made his bullet-riddled debut in 1942. As everyone knows, Capp’s famous strip-within-a-strip began as a direct parody of Chester Gould’s classic newspaper comic, Dick Tracy. But like all of Capp’s creations, it soon developed into a multi-leveled satire of contemporary American society at large.

Al Capp Fearless Fosdick

Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless FosdickFearless Fosdick provided a running commentary on, among other things, the lowly lives of policemen, the capriciousness of the general public, and the thankless role of society’s "heroes". With Capp, as with Chaplin, there’s always a social subtext to the fun, which in my opinion, separates the men from the boys in comedy. These themes are very much in evidence in our first Fosdick story pick, "The Poisoned Bean Case"…

Al Capp Fearless Fosdick

"The Poisoned Bean Case" is, simply put, one of Capp’s masterpieces. It seems to be a special favorite with fans too, both for its astronomical body count and its sheer outrageousness. Believe it or not, this blood-drenched parody ran in family newspapers in the fifties, in Eisenhower’s America, on Sundays, no less!

In the following brilliantly demented pages, no one is spared Capp’s merciless needle. From the venality of the justice system to the crookedness of the media; from the corruption of big business to the fickleness and stupidity of a complacent populace. The diabolical plot, which concerns product tampering, presages the 1982 Tylenol case by some 30 years.

Al Capp Fearless Fosdick

As a cautionary note to readers encountering this story for the first time: you are hereby warned. It’s impossible not to get swept up in the maelstrom of fury that’s about to be unleashed. "The Poisoned Bean Case" doesn’t so much unfold, as simply detonate! For comics fans who like their irony dark, raw and relentless- we proudly present Al Capp at or near the peak of his powers…

Al Capp Fearless Fosdick

Fearless Fosdick in…


Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless Fosdick
Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless Fosdick
Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless Fosdick
Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless Fosdick
Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless Fosdick
Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless Fosdick
Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless Fosdick
Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless Fosdick
Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless Fosdick
Al Capp Fearless FosdickAl Capp Fearless Fosdick

TO BE CONTINUED…< Let me know what you think of this article in the comments. -Mike Fontanelli, 2008

Al Capp Fearless Fosdick

Many thanks to Mike for this wonderful series of articles.

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources

Al CappAl Capp

This posting is part of a series of articles comprising an online exhibit by Mike Fontanelli profiling the career of Al Capp.

Newspaper ComicsNewspaper Comics
This posting is part of the online Encyclopedia of Cartooning under the subject heading, Newspaper Comics.

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Posted by admin @ 10:50 am

November 30th, 2022

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MU003: RefPack048 Review

Animation Resources’ current RefPack will be replaced next week. If you join today, you can download the current one now and a totally new one next week. Want to know what’s in the RefPack? Check out this podcast with Davey Jarrell, David Hofmann and Stephen Worth going over the treasures in RefPack048.

It’s easy to join. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online… JOIN TODAY!

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 10:00 pm