July 18th, 2023

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Magazine Cartoons: Erich Sokol’s Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
Well, I’m glad she’s finally getting interested
in something besides running around with boys.

During the 1960s, Playboy magazine employed some of the best cartoonists around at the time… Eldon Dedini, Gahan Wilson, Phil Interlandi, Jack Cole, Doug Sneyd and Erich Sokol.

We start out with a biographical feature on the cartoonists who worked for Playboy in the mid-1960s.

Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Next up is a Sokol feature that highlights his remarkable ability to caricature…

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Sokol was arguably the most gifted artist who ever worked for Playboy, with a keen eye for all of the elements of good drawing- composition, clear silhouettes, original color harmonies, interesting staging and a keen sense of light and shade. There’s a lot to be learned from these masterful cartoons. His style evolved as time went by, and his images became more and more beautiful. This group of cartoons is arranged in a more or less chronological manner. Compare the first one from the mid-1950s to the last one from a decade later, and you’ll see how much he progressed…

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoonist

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
Well, how do you like married life so far?

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
I came up to complain about the noise.

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
What the hell kind of pacifist are you?

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
Take off your clothes… take off your clothes!
My goodness, don’t men ever think about anything else?

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
Mother will be disappointed if you don’t come in for at least
a few minutes, George. She’s expecting to meet you tonight.

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
You got the part.
Now would you care to try for an Academy Award?

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
You’re welcome.

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
You were wrong…. I’m NOT old enough to take care of himself.

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
I believe the new nurse is going to do wonders for him.
He’s already learned to count to two…

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
Tuck my shirt into WHAT shorts?

Erich Sokol Playboy Cartoons
Why don’t you bug out now and I’ll call you Friday.

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Posted by admin @ 1:54 pm

July 17th, 2023

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Illustration: Artzybasheff’s Diablerie

Artzybasheff Diablerie
Plowman, plowman, what of thy hands?

Recently, Danish political cartoons have created a firestorm of controversy all over the world. It shouldn’t be surprising that cartoons can evoke this sort of uproar; after all, back in the late 1800s Thomas Nast’s caricatures brought down Boss Tweed, and in the 1970s, Herb Block was a major thorn in Nixon’s side.

World War II was a prime era for political cartoonists. Passions ran high, and the whole world was at stake. Artists like Arthur Szyk and Boris Artzybasheff crystalized the passions and horrors of war in a way that speaks to us across the decades. Here is a selection of illustrations on the theme of war from Boris Artzybasheff’s book As I See.

In his introduction to the chapter entitled "Diablerie", Artzybasheff writes:

"Let’s sing hosannas to men this day, for theirs is the triumph of wit! In their long search for better tools and weapons, men at last have found the way of locking a pinch of cosmic force in a sheath of silver-white metal… as well as the means for making it go boom. Any time they wish, or think they must, men can touch off an orgasmic flash, making the oceans boil and seethe with fire, making the soil rise up in crimson dust… Perhaps after the cloud drifts thrice around it, the earth will emerge once more free of living things… In the hush of night this comely planet will go on waltzing in its ordained orbit until God awakens from His sleep and resolves it back to the primordial elements.

I try to shake this thought off; it may be that a healthy planet should have no more life upon it than a well-kept dog has fleas; but what posesses the flea to concoct its own flea powder?"

Artzybasheff Diablerie

Artzybasheff Diablerie
The Headless Horseman

Artzybasheff Diablerie
In Pursuit of Zeros

Artzybasheff Diablerie
Jet Propulsion: V-One

Artzybasheff Diablerie
Radio Propaganda

Artzybasheff Diablerie

Artzybasheff Diablerie

Artzybasheff Diablerie

Artzybasheff Diablerie

Artzybasheff Diablerie
The Pied Piper of Berchtesgaden

Artzybasheff Diablerie

Artzybasheff Diablerie
The Balance of Power

Artzybasheff Diablerie
The Triumph of Wit

Artzybasheff Diablerie
The Witches’ Sabbath

Many people who read this blog aren’t aware that Animation Resources isn’t just a website… it is much more than that. We are archiving these images at high resolution for the use of students, artists and researchers. As an example, here is an image of Hitler’s eye from the image above at the full resolution of our archival scan…

Artzybasheff Diablerie

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources


This posting is part of a series of articles comprising an online exhibit spotlighting Illustration.

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Posted by admin @ 1:17 pm

July 14th, 2023

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Inbetweens: Tex Avery Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

Tex Avery MGM Model Sheets

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 12:56 pm