October 25th, 2022

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STUDENTS! Animation Resources is Awarding A Free Student Membership

Animation Resources

Attn: STUDENTS and EDUCATORS! The Los Angeles Breakfast Club has generously donated to sponsor several full time students or educators for a FREE one year membership in Animation Resources. We will be selecting someone to receive this free membership soon. If you would like to be considered, just SHARE a link to this page with a friend or colleague and email sworth@animationresources.org with the subject “Student Membership Submission”, and tell us a little bit about your studies and goals.

Good luck!

Many thanks to the Los Angeles Breakfast Club for their support of our Sponsor A Student program. If you would like to sponsor a student too, see…

Pass it on and help us build the future of animation one student at a time.

Right now, it’s Back To School time at Animation Resources, and for the next two weeks we will be sharing reasons why students and educators should be a member of our important project. There is no better way to feed your creativity than to be a member of Animation Resources. Every other month, we share a Reference Pack that is chock full of downloadable e-books and still framable videos designed to expand your horizons and blow your mind. It’s easy to join. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online…



Not Convinced Yet? Check out this SAMPLE REFERENCE PACK! It will give you a taste of what Animation Resources members get to download every other month!

Sample RefPack

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 11:00 am

October 23rd, 2022

Members Click Here Membership Email Join Us!

Members Update: Live Stream Scheduled For Oct 23rd!

Animation Resources Live Streaming Project

Animation Resources is hosting regularly scheduled events LIVE on its Streaming Page. Join us every month to find out what’s happening at Animation Resources.


Members Update 002

Animation Resources
On The Animation Resources Live Stream Page
(Also Facebook and YouTube)
SUNDAY, OCT 23rd, 2022 5:00 pm (PDT)

Our schedule of monthly live streamed programs under the banner Members Update launches Sunday, October 23rd!

It’s time for another live stream to catch up on the latest Animation Resources reference pack, which is chock full of more rare educational content than any reference pack to date. It features an e-book on the Irv Spector’s “Coogy”, a pair of Cinemascope cartoons, an assortment of international cartoons, frame by frame breakdowns illustrating the principle of resistance, and a couple of Mack Sennett slapstick shorts. There’s also an update to the Annual Member Bonus Archive: A book on the sports cartoons of Willard Mullin, some rare Lotte Reiniger color films and some Terry-Toons in widescreen! We’ll be screening some surprises too!

Join Animation Resources Director of Programming Davey Jarrell and Director of Publications David Eisman in our latest Members Update live stream on Sunday, October 23rd at 5:00pm (PDT).


Davey Jarell is a member of the Board of Directors of Animation Resources. He is a professional storyboard artist for television and acts as our Director of Programs.

David Eisman is an Animatic Editor who serves as the Director of Podcasting Events on the Board of Directors of Animation Resources.


Animation Resources proudly presents its Live Streaming Project. Over the coming months, we will be presenting live chats, interviews, screenings and seminars. These programs will be open to the public on the date and time indicated. They will not be publicly archived. Archives of the programs will only be available to the members of Animation Resources on the Members Only page. If you miss the program, you’ve missed it, so set your calendar and join us at one of our live stream locations…

Animation Resources Live Stream Page (Primary Stream)
Also Facebook & YouTube

Animation Resources is one of the best kept secrets in the world of cartooning. Every month, we sponsor a program of interest to artists, and every other month, we share a book and up to an hour of rare animation with our members. If you are a creative person interested in the fields of animation, cartooning or illustration, you should be a member of Animation Resources!

It’s easy to join Animation Resources. Just click on this link and you can sign up right now online…


PayPalAnimationAnimation Resources depends on your contributions to support its projects. Even if you can’t afford to join our group right now, please click the button below to donate whatever you can afford using PayPal.

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Posted by Stephen Worth @ 3:50 pm

October 20th, 2022

Members Click Here Membership Email Join Us!

Illustration: Milton Caniff and Norman Rockwell in Coronet

Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon

The Milton Caniff Estate recently loaned Animation Resources copies of two issues of Coronet magazine from 1942 and 1947 to digitize. Here are three articles of interest to cartoonists and illustrators…

Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon

By Howard Whitman

Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve CanyonMilton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon
Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon
Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon
Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve CanyonMilton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon
Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon
Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon

NORMAN ROCKWELL: The People’s Painter
By Jack H. Pollack

Norman Rockwell
Norman RockwellNorman Rockwell
Norman RockwellNorman Rockwell
Norman RockwellNorman Rockwell

By Milton Caniff

Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon
Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve CanyonMilton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon
Milton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve CanyonMilton Caniff Terry and the Pirates Steve Canyon

Thanks to John Ellis and the estate of Milton Caniff for sharing this with us!


Milton Caniff Steve Canyon
The Steve Canyon Special Edition DVD is out now! To order it and for more info on the Steve Canyon TV show, see… www.stevecanyondvd.blogspot.com


Milton Caniff BookOrder Steve CanyonOrder Steve CanyonFantagraphics has a great book on Caniff’s career, and Checker has released year by year reprints of the classic Steve Canyon strip. Caniff was a master storyteller, and the first few years of Steve Canyon are examples of his genius at the height of its powers. Click on the pictures for more info.

Stephen Worth
Animation Resources


This posting is part of a series of articles comprising an online exhibit spotlighting Illustration.
Newspaper ComicsNewspaper Comics
This posting is part of the online Encyclopedia of Cartooning under the subject heading, Newspaper Comics.

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Posted by admin @ 12:14 pm